
Neel MehtaHi! Thanks for visiting my technology blog. Ek is Neel Mehta, a part-time computer scientist and full-time high school student.

On this blog I write about software I like, the latest tech news, or life in general, made accessible (you don’t have to know much about technology), straightforward (no tech buzzwords like cloud-based responsive mobile app solutions), and hopefully slightly funny. I hope.

What else I’ve created:

When I’m not doing something tech-related, you’ll find me:

  • Playing music (piano/violin)
  • Volunteering for Habitat for Humanity
  • Making bad jokes (my specialty)
  • Reading technology and politics blogs
  • Following the Phillies and Major League Baseball
  • Learning languages (Gujarati especially)

Feel free to write to me at neel@hathix.com, on Twitter or Facebook, or by carrier pigeon.

8 thoughts on “Oor”

  1. Sjoe! Great site! I am enjoying exploring and am very impressed at what you have put together (someday I’ll be able to say I knew you when you were just a serious and skinny kid in 7th grade:). Seriouslyam very proud of you. You are doing fabulous work. Two thumbs up for a super site. Keep up the good work and think about doing a presentation for STEM Day (April 3).
    ~Mrs. McGinnis

  2. Hey Neel, just found this and I would like to complement you on it. A job very well done! Ha, similar to Mrs. McGinnis’s comment, I will be able to tell my kids that I went to school with you! Again great job!

  3. Hi Neel: I just found your wonderfully simplistic home page, and must say I love it.
    What a change from all the cluttered advertisement laden pages like MSN.
    Just wanted to say a great big THANKS for this.

  4. Hi Neel

    Can I sugest your application (cabra is portuguese word…)
    in my blog? I have tried and is great to teach with fun.

    Best regards from Portugal
    and good luck to your future

    1. Hello Vitor!

      No problemyou can share Cabra on your blog and anywhere else! Please send me a link if you share it on your blog, as I’d love to see it.

      Thank you for your feedback!


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