الحصول على الاشياء القيام به مع تقنية بومودورو

وسوف يكون هذا أفضل صديق لك بعد قراءة هذا المقال.

أنا أعرف الكثير من الناس لا يتمتعون بصفة خاصة هذا الشيء يسمى عمل. وتلك, معظمهم من تميل إلى الحصول على مشتتا عندما كنت من المفترض أن يتم القيام بذلك, ماذا تسمونه, عمل.

لحسن الحظ, لم يكن الناس غير منتجة مثل لك شيئا من المستغرب الإنتاجية: جعلوا تقنية قليلا ل تساعدك على أن تكون أكثر إنتاجية.

تقع التنظيف, جزء 1

Some beautiful fall leaves
Feel the fresh air and cleaner computer.

The leaves are changing color, the weather is becoming cooler, and the World Series is on. نعم, it’s fall.

It’s become sort of a tradition with me to clean up my computer every fall, since just Spring Cleaning is rarely enough.

I’m here to share with you my secrets and guidelines to fall cleaning, and since most people are on Windows I’ll be showing you how to do Fall Cleaning on a نوافذ 7 machine.

لي (حر) Kindle reading list

Turns out there’s no such thing as a free lunch, but there is such thing as a free book.

The cover of the Odyssey
Available for the low price of $0.00

I recently got a Kindle (the old kind, without a touch screen or 3G or a color screen or anything) for an internship I’m working on. I figured I’d get some books to read while I was at it (might as well use the Kindle for what it’s intended), so I opened up the Kindle Store on my Kindle and prepared to buy a few books.

The first book on my list was Homer’s Odyssey, which I’m currently reading in English class. I scrolled though some of the results looking for the cheapest copy. $12.50, $2.50, $0.00, $1.00, $2.00… hm, looks like I’ll get the $1 واحد… wait, ما?!?

How DO you pronounce “hathix”?

His name's hathix.
An elephant in a box.

You’d think I get that question a lot, but actually I don’tmost people pronounce it a certain way and are absolutely, positively, sure they’re right. There are so many pronunciations it’s incredible, so who am I to choose theproper” واحد? Let ’em pronounce it however they like, I say.

That being said, the number of pronunciations I hear is borderline ridiculous. Here are the most common ones I’ve heard.