Fall Почистване, част 1

Some beautiful fall leaves
Чувствайте се на чист въздух и по-чист компютър.

Листата се променят цвета, времето се превръща охладител, и World Series е на. Yup, това е есента.

Това е станало нещо като традиция с мен, за да се почисти компютъра ми всяка есен, тъй като само Пролетно почистване е достатъчно рядко.

Аз съм тук, за да споделя с вас моите тайни и насоки, които да попадат почистване, и тъй като повечето хора са на Windows ще ви се показва как да не попадат Почистване на Windows 7 машина.

Мой (безплатно) Списък Kindle четене

Оказва се, че няма такова нещо като безплатен обяд, но има такова нещо като безплатен книга.

The cover of the Odyssey
Предлага се за ниската цена на $0.00

I recently got a Kindle (стария вид, без докосване на екрана или 3G или цветен екран или нищо) за стаж Аз съм на работа. Аз помислих, че ще получите някои книги да четат, докато бях при него (might as well use the Kindle for what it’s intended), so I opened up the Kindle Store on my Kindle and prepared to buy a few books.

The first book on my list was Homer’s Odyssey, which I’m currently reading in English class. I scrolled though some of the results looking for the cheapest copy. $12.50, $2.50, $0.00, $1.00, $2.00… hm, looks like I’ll get the $1 onewait, what?!?

How DO you pronounce “hathix”?

His name's hathix.
An elephant in a box.

You’d think I get that question a lot, but actually I don’tmost people pronounce it a certain way and are absolutely, positively, sure they’re right. There are so many pronunciations it’s incredible, so who am I to choose theproperone? Let ’em pronounce it however they like, I say.

That being said, the number of pronunciations I hear is borderline ridiculous. Here are the most common ones I’ve heard.

QR Codes: like barcodes, just better

Quick Response Code
A Quick Response Code

QR Codes, или Quick Response Codes, are all the rage nowadays. You know, those black-and-white barcode-looking thingies that show up on magazines, posters, and even some t-shirts.

A QR Code is actually fairly similar to a barcode: it’s an image that encodes data като URL адреси, phone numbers, words, и повече. You can even take a picture and sort of turn it into a QR code (the picture is uploaded to the internet and the QR code encodes the URL of the picture.) Sure you lose some aesthetic value, but hey.

Настойнически: започване на блог с WordPress, част 2

Почакайте! Before you read this, read част 1.

Now that you’ve gotten your blog all set up, we can start getting familiar with it.

If you’ve forgotten, I’m writing a sample blog as we go along so you can follow along with this guide.

Your Dashboard

Your Dashboard is where you can administrate your blog by writing new posts, moderating comments, и повече. This is where it all goes down, and obviously no visitors are allowed in. To visit your dashboard, go to <your blog url.wordpress.com>/wp-admin and sign in using the password and username you signed up with.

Как да се започне с Java

A приятелски ръководство за това как да получите комплект за развитие на Java, добро IDE, и една велика книга.

Ява е мощен, но лесен за използване програмен език (да не говорим, че това е езикът, използван в най- компютърно програмиране курсове.) Java е чудесен език и сравнително лесно, след като получите всичко, създаден – но Първи всичко, създаден е трудно. Това е, което това ръководство е за.

Настойнически: започване на блог с WordPress, част 1

Maybe you’re a rabid sports fan with lots to say about your favorite baseball team. Maybe you’re traveling the country and want to keep a journal about your travels. Or maybe you’re just some windbag who likes ranting about technology.

Whatever your hobby or interest, starting a блог is a fun and rewarding experience. And don’t worryyou don’t have to be a tech guru either. As long as you can browse the internet, use a word processor, and think of interesting things to say (harder than it sounds), you can blog.