Problémy na PlayStation Network

Pokud jste sledovali zprávy v poslední době, budete si všimli, že PlayStation Network, který poskytuje on-line hry a digitální hra nakupování pro majitele PlayStation 3 a PSP zařízení, je dole, protože minulou středu. Jejich on-demand streaming služba, Qriocity, Je také dolů. Došlo obrovský rozruch o tom za poslední týden, ale je to těžké proplout Buzz získat aktuální informace. Udělal jsem trochu kopat, tak tady jsou některé základy.

Vidění “Pátek” v jiném světle

Chcete-li si odpočinout od tech talk…

Pokud jste byli žijící pod skálou za poslední měsíc, Pravděpodobně jste slyšeli o (a měl tu smůlu, že poslechu) Rebecca Black pátek. Víte,, že song s 13-letých řízení auta a nosem teenager přemýšlel, kam se posadit? Tenhle.

Po šokující zážitek (Více o tom později), Musel jsem začít ptát, proč jsem se (a skoro všichni vím) nenávidí píseň. Prolomit ji:

  • Texty jsou junk, ale většina popové písně mají nesmyslné texty stejně.
  • Melodie je docela chytlavý, tam žádné chyby.

OpenOffice je mrtvý

The guys at Oracle put out a statement sometime last week about their free and open-source office suite, OpenOffice. Guess what? They’re making it acommunity project”; i.e. they’re leaving it to die.

The sad part is that OpenOffice was very popular: many Mac users used it (since Office for Mac costs a ton) and plenty of Windows users used it as well (most people aren’t going to use all the features of Microsoft Office, which costs, co, $100?) But don’t be discouraged, it’s not as bad as you might think. Read on to see.

Firefox’s new release strategy

Back in the day (and by that I mean a week ago), new versions of Firefox were releasedwhen they were ready” – to je, when all the features they wanted to put in were in it. That’s called feature-based releases, and most developers use that strategy.

But there’s another release strategy that focuses on releasing new versions every so often. Some features might not make a version, but that’s OK; a new version is coming in x weeks so it’ll be included then. This is called fixed releases.

Yet another rant about Bcc:s

I just got an email addressed to no less than 78 lidé, and all 78 people’s email addresses were in the To field. You’d think the sender would put all our emails in the Bcc field since, dobře, the recipients don’t really need to know the emails of the other 77 people who got the email. (In its defense, putting all the emails in the To field makes stalking easier, but isn’t that what Facebook’s for?)

I can understand why Cc isn’t that popular: it does the same thing as To, except it carries a different semantic meaning. Most teenagers (and a bunch of adults too) couldn’t care less about the fancy schmancy semantic meaning, so they just use To.

Snaha o slušné domovskou stránku

I’m not sure why home pages were even invented in the first place. Mám na mysli, sure, you need a page to open when you boot up your browser, but they just make things, dobře, awkward. Plus they’re not very useful: most of them just serve as a landing page; you don’t really use them except to read news about how kids can’t bring bagged lunch to school (*cough* Yahoo *cough*.) And when you do that kind of stuff, you just get distracted from what you were originally meaning to do all along.

I want to know why that is and how I can help fix it.

DuckDuckGothe best thing since Google

I was looking on my analytics page (tracking visitors to the site) and noticed someone came to hathix through DuckDuckGo. Being bored, I looked up DuckDuckGo and I was impressed automatically. It’s a great search engine. Here’s why.

Zero-click info

DuckDuckGo’s got this great feature that lets you see some quick background info on a subject when you search it. If I want to know who Nelson Mandela is without having to read a lengthy article about apartheid, South Africa, and that sort of stuff, I can just DDG it and look what I get: