This is a review of VLC, a free multimedia player for movies and music. Download it here.
Happy holidays! To go along with that DVD of your favorite movie, that CD of your favorite band, a bod siwmper hyll gan eich hoff fodryb, dyma anrheg o raglen: VLC!
VLC yn rhad ac am ddim, open-source multimedia program for any operating system (Windows, Mac, Linux, hyd yn oed Android) y yn gallu chwarae ffilmiau, cerddoriaeth, y naw gyfan llath. Wnes i sôn ei fod yn rhad ac am ddim?

Mae cannoedd o rhad ac am ddim cerddoriaeth / fideo chwaraewyr i maes 'na, ac mae digon sy'n dod sypiedig ag 'ch chyfrifiadur, ond VLC wir yn y gorau. Mae rhai o'i chryfderau:

- Plays almost any music/video file type (mp3, ogg, mkv, ac ati) I’ve been using VLC for a while and haven’t found a single file type it won’t play.
- Even plays CDs/DVDs when you insert them into your computer.
- Very clean, easy-to-use interface that gets the job done.
- Full screen mode that gets rid of any distractions.
- Plays subtitles yn dda.
- Lets you crop/zoom/process a video as much as you want so it’ll fit your screen.
- Supports music playlists.
- Can capture video and audio (so you can record your screen or music, for example.)
- Has tons of plugins and extensions.
Suffice to say, VLC is a great program; there’s a reason it’s one of the most popular open-source projects (4 million downloads per week!) Mynd yn ei flaen ac download VLC, install it, and start playing that music and video you’ve always wanted to. Just ditch the sweater.