hathix.com’s pen-blwydd cyntaf yw yfory, so to celebrate I’ve gotten it a gift – golwg hollol newydd! hathix 3.0, codename Cacen, yn cadw'r cynllun lliw yr hen fersiwn (henwi'n briodol hathix 2.1 “Dewdrop”) but sports an airy new look that’s yn lân ac yn cain. Cymerwch olwg (neu cynnig arni):
Tag: theme
Golwg newydd sbon
Wel, the host switch went nearly seamlessly (so seamlessly, mewn gwirionedd, that I have no idea if the switch actually happened.) As promised, here’s something big for you.
If you’ve ever viewed the hathix.com home page, you’ll notice how horrible it looks. Or used to look.

Not very pretty, iawn? Wel, it wasn’t supposed to be. I just threw together some code to make the site work; the look wasn’t at all important.
Well I soon realized that a) this horribly ugly look was probably hurting the site and b) I had some spare time on my hands. So I wrote some new code for the site and here’s what I got: