Tl;Dr -check out Google’s awesome political election tracker
I’m a political junkie, so I’m following this year’s Republican primary process with the fervor with which I, also a baseball fanatic, follow baseball – which is to say, very much. And the main things in election season to watch out for are the elections themselves – in this year’s case, each state’s primary in which the Republican candidates compete.
These elections are awesome, but to fully enjoy them I need stats. I need results. I need data. I need cool graphs. I need a great political tracker. So look what I found:

Yup, as if search, email, books, Telefonoj, and social networking weren’t enough, Google’s developed an awesome election tracker where you can follow each state’s primary election results by county and candidate. With this awesome tool you can see:
- Who won each state
- Who won each county and what the vote spread was
- What percent of the total vote is in
- The latest Sciigoj
- Each candidate’s stand on the issues
- The standings – each candidate’s delegate total
I’ve used other trackers like CNN’s and MSNBC’s, but they’re really bulky and slow. Google Politiko donas min ĉio mi devas (Ne malpli, Ne pli) En facila-al-uza fasado. Mi devas agnoski, Mi ŝatas la freŝajn kolorojn kaj mapo.
Do kio estas vi atendanta por? Tie’s ĉiam nova aĵa okazo en la mondo de politiko, Sekve teni okulon sur Google’s balotada spuristo!