My 2013 MLB predictions

Baseballquite possibly the greatest thing invented by humanity.

It’s that time of year. Lush green grass, clay-red warning track and infield, pristine white bases, sizzling hot dogs, icy slushies, the crack of wood. Baseball season.

And today’s opening day. Donita, there’s only one game today, but it counts. (Most teamsfirst game of the season is tomorrow, April 1st.) Regardless, today is a great day for all baseball fans, including me.

Background info: there are 30 teams in the MLB (major league baseball), and each plays 162 games in the regular season. The teams are split into 6 divisions of 5 teams each. The teams in each division with the most wins, Plus 4 wild-card teams, move on to the playoffs.

Many baseball fans and expertsincluding metake this time to predict how many games each team will win this season, as well as which team willwintheir division. Estas 2,430 games in the regular season, so we just concern ourselves with that for now. Playoff stuff comes later.

I’m a big baseball fan, so I figure this year I’ll chime in with my predictions and picks for who wins the division. I’m just a humble fannot even close to an expertso take my predictions with a grain of salt.

I’ve written down how I think each team will do (wins/losses), plus some analysis that’s loaded with baseball jargon. Avoid the analysis if you don’t know too much about baseball. Remember that the top team in every division (rank 1) gets to move on to the playoffs, so everyone is fighting for that spot.

Kaj, without further ado, my predictions & picks.

MLAa ŝablono por Microsoft Vorto 2010

A screenshot of Word 2010 in MLA format.
Klaki tion ĉi elŝuti vian liberan MLAan Ŝablonon por Vorto 2010

Tl;Dr – Libera MLAa formata ŝablono por Vorto 2010A freely-downloadable "Download" button.

Mi surmetas’t scias pri vi, Sed I’ve havis pli da instruistoj ol I’d povas kalkuli kiun gradigis paperojn Nur Sur kiom bone vi sekvis la konvenan formaton kaj ne, Vi scias, Sur tiu lanugo ili vokas ‘Enhavo.’

Se vi’re studento, Ŝancoj estas sufiĉe bonaj vi devi skribi multajn, Multaj paperoj – Ĉiuj je MLAa formato, Ofta formato por paperoj, Eseoj, Kaj tia. La MLAa formato estis desegnita, I’d imagas, Reguligi la rigardon de ĉiuj paperoj kaj al Stiradaj studentoj freneza. Estas tunoj de hazardaj reguloj kaj gvidlinioj Vi devi scii, Kiel:

Sekvi la 2012 Balotadoj kun la Google Politika balotado spuristo

Tl;Dr -check out Google’s awesome political election tracker

I’m a political junkie, so I’m following this year’s Republican primary process with the fervor with which I, also a baseball fanatic, follow baseballwhich is to say, very much. And the main things in election season to watch out for are the elections themselvesin this year’s case, each state’s primary in which the Republican candidates compete.

These elections are awesome, but to fully enjoy them I need stats. I need results. I need data. I need cool graphs. I need a great political tracker. So look what I found:

Google Politics Colorado Primary Result
Google Politics election tracker showing the results of the Colorado caucus (

My (Libera) Kindle reading list

Turns out there’s no such thing as a free lunch, but there is such thing as a free book.

The cover of the Odyssey
Available for the low price of $0.00

I recently got a Kindle (the old kind, without a touch screen or 3G or a color screen or anything) for an internship I’m working on. I figured I’d get some books to read while I was at it (might as well use the Kindle for what it’s intended), so I opened up the Kindle Store on my Kindle and prepared to buy a few books.

The first book on my list was Homer’s Odyssey, which I’m currently reading in English class. I scrolled though some of the results looking for the cheapest copy. $12.50, $2.50, $0.00, $1.00, $2.00… hm, looks like I’ll get the $1 onewait, what?!?

A slightly radical proposal for schools

I’ve often been asked the questionIf you could be king of the world for a day, what would you do?” First of all, I’d make myself king permanently, but that’s not the point. Here’s my slightly radical proposal that would be the second thing I’d do if I were king for a day.

I’m part of a club that takes out the recycling in our school in the morning. Let me tell you, we collect a lot of paper: if I collect the paper of maybe 15 rooms that haven’t had their paper collected in a few days, I can fill up a whole trash can. Not the small trash cans you have in your house, I mean ones as big as janitors use. That’s a lot.

SeeingFridayin a different light

If you want a break from the tech talk

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last month, you’ve probably heard of (and had the misfortune of listening to) Rebecca Black’s Friday. Vi scias, that song with the 13-year-olds driving cars and the nasally teenager wondering where to sit? That one.

After a shocking experience (more about that later), I’ve had to start questioning why I (and pretty much everyone I know) hate the song. Breaking it down:

  • The lyrics are junk, but most pop songs have meaningless lyrics anyway.
  • The tune’s pretty catchy, no faults there.