Como de costumbre, Me aburrí así que escribí un juego en JavaScript. Es un juego de rol llamado Laberinto (you can find it aquí) que sigue a un hombre que se pierde en una cueva. Usted tiene que recoger palos de destruir barriles, tablones para cruzar el agua, llaves para las puertas de colores, y más.
Esto es lo que se ve como Laberinto:

I know it’s horribly drawn, but I drew everything myself. I’m such a bad artist that it’s a miracle that the key even looked like a key. And that glowing yellow/orange/red thing is a lantern.
Hay 5 tutorial levels (each one introduces something new) y 10 main levels. In each level you can keep track of how long it takes you to get the golden key and reach the final door. (There’s also a buried treasure in each level; you’ll have to find it by going into hidden passageways.)
Here are my best (lowest) move totals so far. I stink at this game so see if you can beat them…
- Tutorial 1: 45
- Tutorial 2: 42
- Tutorial 3: 65
I haven’t even finished playing it yet.