Resurrection, and updates

I could tell from the sheer number of WordPress updates that awaited me that it’s certainly been a while since I wrote here on this blog. But part of my pre-New Year’s resolution is to start writing here more – hopefully I can develop some more interesting ideas and keep growing as a writer.

I’ve learned a ton from my first semester at Harvard – where I think I’ll study computer science, though I don’t declare a major till next year – and I’ve developed an interest in seeing how technology impacts other fields – politics, economics, educación, sports, lo que – in addition to technology for its own sake. So with this reboot of the blog, so to speak, I’ll work to explore the intersection of technology and other fields.

¿Por qué es genial ser un desarrollador

Studiofibonacci free icon set of ninjas with weapons
Aparentemente, se trata de un grupo de programadores informáticos.


Eso es lo que los programadores de computadoras se están llamando hoy en día. La profesión (si se puede llamar así,) pasa por una letanía de no muy glamorosos nombres, tales como desarrollador, programador, ingeniero, técnico, y más cosas que no acaba usted hace el chico más popular en la habitación. Por lo tanto, mucho, er, programadores (por falta de una palabra mejor) ir por ninjas o tal. Lo que me parece un poco molesto – estás escribiendo código, no matar a los enemigos del emperador. Pero estoy divagando.

Lo siento por el tiempo de inactividad – también, accesorios para WebHostingHub

A closed box package cartoon clip art
Error 404, elephant not found

tl; had some downtime but my super-helpful host WebHostingHub cleared it up immediately. Also, I apologize for the fanboyishnessit’s just that WHH is that awesome.

I was recently working with some so-called cutting-edge web programming techniques (analizar JSON con PHP desde las solicitudes de cliente usando JavaScript y jQuery… Te dije que era sangriento) y se dio cuenta Necesitaba una nueva versión de un software en el servidor que vive en hathix.

¿Cómo se pronuncia “hathix”?

His name's hathix.
An elephant in a box.

You’d think I get that question a lot, but actually I don’tmost people pronounce it a certain way and are absolutely, positively, sure they’re right. There are so many pronunciations it’s incredible, so who am I to choose theproper” uno? Let ’em pronounce it however they like, I say.

That being said, the number of pronunciations I hear is borderline ridiculous. Here are the most common ones I’ve heard.