How to get a tech internship

Field-tested job-hunting tips for computer science students.

Also check out my post on getting started with computer science for college students.

Google headquarters

I probably don’t need to convince you that working at tech companies is really attractive. You can work with startups on meteoric rises and world-famous tech giants, all while surrounded by ping-pong tables and unlimited snacks. You can build apps that your friends use and products that make the world a better place.

There’s just one problem: how do you get a tech internship in the first place?

CS50: What Next?

Märkus: this post is aimed mostly at Harvard students.

CS50 logo

So you took Harvard’s introductory computer science class, CS50. (Maybe you were a regular at my section or met me at office hours.) You learned a lot, you enjoyed it, and you want to continue exploring computer science. Maybe you want to concentrate in CS, get a minor, get an internship at a tech company, or better understand how computers are going to take over the world.

But CS is a huge field, and with just one course under your belt, it’s difficult to really break into it.

So what next?

Minu Khan Academy Praktika, Summer '15

See suvi, Jätsin sõbralik piiridest Cambridge ja rändasid läbi Lääne kullasoone intern kui tarkvara insener Khan Academy. Ja see ei ole päris tee seda õiglust: see oli täiesti teosed kogemus.

Salman Khan of Khan Academy
Mis awesome Sal Khan, asutaja Khan Academy

Awesome projektid

Ma kasvasin ton kui tarkvara insener töötab minu mentor selliste cool projektide:
– Loomine SEO'd koduleheks meie videoid
– Hoone funktsioon saata kasutajate e-mailide, kui oma küsimustele meie videos saada vastas, tihedat koostööd disainer
– Tabada ja millega putukad meie uue video mängija

Avalda, nagu, ja leida: luua avatud ja kuraator ökosüsteemi

Enamik ökosüsteemides nagu app kauplustes on avatud või kureeritud. Aga miks me ei võiks olla nii? Hästi, saame — kõik, mida vaja on kolm verbi: avaldada, leidma, ja nagu. See kehtib tehnoloogia ja kõike muud.

Tavaliselt on kaks võimalust, kui soovite avaldada app: avaldab selle, et midagi sellist iOS App Store (kui inimesed leiavad oma app, kuid Apple arvustajad ei saa eitada oma esitamisest) või lihtsalt pane see oma veebilehel (kus on lihtne avaldada, kuid ei ole mingit garantiid keegi seda näha.) Ei suurim hulk võimalusi.

Kas ei ole nii, et ühendada tugevused mõlemad teha parima võimaliku kogemuse nii kirjastajad ja tarbijad? Ma arvan, et seal on. See kutsus avatud ja kureeris ökosüsteemi. Võtame pilk:

  • Mida avatud ja kuraatorfestivali ökosüsteemid
  • Näiteid avatud ja kureeris ökosüsteemide
  • Mida on vaja teha avatud ja kureeris ökosüsteemi
  • Näited ökosüsteemidest kaugemale lihtsalt tehnoloogia

ja vaata, kas saame teada midagi võimu bing, innovatsioon, ja kolm verbi avaldada, leidma, ja nagu.

Kuraator vs. avatud ökosüsteemid

IOS App Store ja avatud internet, teiste hulgas, on app ökosüsteemide — Kohtades, kus apps saab avaldada ja leitud. Ja ma arvan, et suur tegurid, mis eristavad ühe ökosüsteemi teisest on kas ökosüsteemile avatud, kus igaüks saab avaldada apps ja kas see on kuraatorfestivali, kus parim apps tõusta tippu ja kasutajad on tagatud kvaliteet apps. See on suur vahe iOS poodi ja internet on suur, mida ma varem mainisin.

Vaatame näiteid kureeritud ja avatud ökosüsteemidest ja mis eristab neid.

5 hindamatu tasuta tootlikkuse apps kolledži

Paar aastat tagasi kirjutasin ma kasulik apps keskkooli — kuid nüüd kolledž siin, ja see toob terve rea uusi nõudmisi. Alates Tulin Harvard, Ma olen pidanud tegema rohkem, ja minu apps pidanud tegema rohkem liiga.

Need uued apps vaja töötab kõigil platvormidel (Windows, Mac, Android, iOS), sünkroonida sujuvalt nendevahelist, ja mind aidata hoida oma andmed organiseeritud. Nad peavad olema mitmekülgne, jõuline, ja lihtne-to-use. Ja nad peavad olema tasuta.

With that in mind, here are the five apps that I’ve relied on most at Harvard and that I recommend to anyone in college or anywhere else in life. They’re ranked in order of usefulness.

Evernote, Wunderlist, Mailbox, Sunrise, Pocket
5 tasuta, essential apps for college: Evernote, Wunderlist, Mailbox, Sunrise, and Pocket.

Eneseväljendus internetis: kombineeritud lähenemine?

The internet should help you express yourself easily and ensure you have control over the content and quality of your writings. But is that possible?

The internet has always been called the great platform for self-expression. The claim goes that you no longer need to be talented and lucky enough to get your work into a book or newspaper or magazine; anyone can publish anything to the internet, and if it’s good enough, it can get found.

It’s definitely true that the cost of self-expression has gone down with the internet, so people are much more likely and able to use it to publish their ideas. (The idea of economic cost, or amount of effort it takes to do something, is a very powerful one, muide. When it gets easier to do something, that thing explodes in popularity. It’s pretty self-evident, but it’s a powerful way of looking at things like the rise of self-expression with the internet.)

On two main ways of publishing content online:

  • Publishing independently (making your own platform)
  • Using someone else’s platform (hosted publishing)

Both of these fall short of the goal of allowing for easy self-publishing. Ma arvan,, kuigi, et there’s room for a hybrid that would bring the best of both.

Edasi “sotsiaal-” andmekandja, nõrk sidemed, ja Snapchat lugusid

How social media is designed to help you build relationships with acquaintances, and why Snapchat (jah, that Snapchat) is the most effective social media platform

It was late enough that I’d stopped thinking for the night, so I proudly proclaimed to my nearby friends that I was getting a Snapchat account. It had always struck me as a bit vapid and narcissisticyou’re swapping carefully-chosen selfies with others to try and win favorbut I figured I’d give it a go.

But I quickly learned that Snapchat, like any other social media platform, gives rise to a number of use cases that the creators probably never intended. (Näiteks, Twitter probably never foresaw that it would contribute to the Egyptian Revolution of 2011.) What I saw was this: Snapchat and other social media platforms are surprisingly effective ways to grow and maintain your network of weak ties (acquaintances) by reducing the costs of communication and increasing the number ofhooks,” or chances to strike up conversation, you have. All social media can do this, but Snapchat, by its very nature, is the king of this.