‘Tis the seasonto not visit websites

Here’s an interesting tidbit from the life of a web developer.

Sa arvad, et inimesed oleks minna internetti, et uhiuut telefoni / tablett / röster nad said pühade.

Ilmselt, keegi ei tee seda. Siin on pilk minu viimaseid tabamust (ei bänd tüüp, Ma mõtlen külastajate arvu hathix.com):

hathix visitors graph
Nagu piduliku meeleolu tõuseb, külastuste veebilehed minna.

Alates mida ma olen näinud, see tundub juhtuda päris palju iga veebilehe ja app: külastusi või allalaadimine järsult vähenema ajal puhkuse. Sest mis see on väärt, things return right back to normal once the new year begins.

Miks see on fantastiline on arendaja

Studiofibonacci free icon set of ninjas with weapons
Ilmselt, need on kamp arvuti programmeerijad.


Seda arvuti programmeerijad nimetasid end tänapäeval. Elukutse (kui sa ei kutsu seda isegi, et) läheb Litania ükski-liiga glamuurne nimed, nagu arendaja, programmeerija, insener, tehnik, ja veel asju, mis ei ole päris sind kõige populaarsem poiss ruumis. Seepärast, palju, ta, programmeerijad (puudumise tõttu parem sõna) minna ninja või sellise. Which I find slightly annoyingyou’re writing code, not killing enemies of the emperor. But I digress.

Veidi radikaalsem ettepanek koolidele

I’ve often been asked the questionIf you could be king of the world for a day, what would you do?” First of all, I’d make myself king permanently, but that’s not the point. Here’s my slightly radical proposal that would be the second thing I’d do if I were king for a day.

I’m part of a club that takes out the recycling in our school in the morning. Let me tell you, we collect a lot of paper: if I collect the paper of maybe 15 rooms that haven’t had their paper collected in a few days, I can fill up a whole trash can. Not the small trash cans you have in your house, I mean ones as big as janitors use. That’s a lot.

Yet another rant about Bcc:s

I just got an email addressed to no less than 78 inimesed, and all 78 people’s email addresses were in the To field. You’d think the sender would put all our emails in the Bcc field since, hästi, the recipients don’t really need to know the emails of the other 77 people who got the email. (In its defense, putting all the emails in the To field makes stalking easier, but isn’t that what Facebook’s for?)

I can understand why Cc isn’t that popular: it does the same thing as To, except it carries a different semantic meaning. Most teenagers (and a bunch of adults too) couldn’t care less about the fancy schmancy semantic meaning, so they just use To.