MLA malli Microsoft Word 2010

A screenshot of Word 2010 in MLA format.
Klõpsake seda alla laadida tasuta MLA Mall Word 2010

tl;dr – tasuta MLA vormingus malli Word 2010A freely-downloadable "Download" button.

Ma ei tea sinust, kuid ma olen olnud rohkem õpetajaid kui ma võin loota kes sorteeritud paberid ainult kui hästi sa järgisid nõuetekohast formaati ja ei, sa tead, selle kohevaks nad kutsuvad ‘sisu.’

Kui oled üliõpilane, võimalused on päris hea teil on kirjutada palju, palju töid – kõik MLA vormingus, ühise vormi paberid, esseed, ja selline. MLA vormingus eesmärk oli, Ma kujutan ette, reguleerida ilme kõik paberid ja drive õpilased hull. On tonni juhuslik reeglid ja juhised sa pead teadma, nagu:

Tutorial: starting a blog with WordPress, osa 2

Wait! Before you read this, read osa 1.

Now that you’ve gotten your blog all set up, we can start getting familiar with it.

If you’ve forgotten, I’m writing a sample blog as we go along so you can follow along with this guide.

Your Dashboard

Your Dashboard is where you can administrate your blog by writing new posts, moderating comments, and more. This is where it all goes down, and obviously no visitors are allowed in. To visit your dashboard, go to <your blog>/wp-admin and sign in using the password and username you signed up with.

Tutorial: starting a blog with WordPress, osa 1

Maybe you’re a rabid sports fan with lots to say about your favorite baseball team. Maybe you’re traveling the country and want to keep a journal about your travels. Or maybe you’re just some windbag who likes ranting about technology.

Whatever your hobby or interest, starting a blogi is a fun and rewarding experience. And don’t worryyou don’t have to be a tech guru either. As long as you can browse the internet, use a word processor, and think of interesting things to say (harder than it sounds), you can blog.