If you want a break from the tech talk…
Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last month, you’ve probably heard of (and had the misfortune of listening to) Rebecca Black’s Friday. Badakizu, that song with the 13-year-olds driving cars and the nasally teenager wondering where to sit? That one.
After a shocking experience (more about that later), I’ve had to start questioning why I (and pretty much everyone I know) hate the song. Breaking it down:
- The lyrics are junk, but most pop songs have meaningless lyrics anyway.
- The tune’s pretty catchy, no faults there.
- Rebecca sings right through her nose but she’s not that bad a singer.
- The music video is horrible, but even without it people hate the song.
I’m guessing it’s a mixture of the video/singing/lyrics that makes people hate Friday, but really, there are far worse songs out there. It’s a bad song, but it doesn’t deserve 2.3 million dislikes, that’s for sure.
Dakit, it’s surprising to see someone who doesn’t hate Friday. But here’s the shocking experience I was talking about. It’s an amazing cover of Friday that makes it sound really good. Watch it. Erreferentzia, watch the original.
The guys who covered Friday are awesome; they’re a band called The Abrams Brothers (see their YouTube page) who have done some great covers in the past.
Now do you see Friday differently?