So much for IPOs

As you probably remember, the professional networking (no other way to describe it) site LinkedIn went public in May under the symbol LNKD. Its IPO (initial public offering, or first release of shares in the stock market) was valued $45 per share. Later that day, LinkedIn shares were trading at $122.

LinkedIn's logo
LinkedIn's IPO was hyped, but did it work?

LinkedIn closed at $94 per share, with a volume of 30 million shares. Not bad for a day’s work. (News article.)


HTML5, CSS3, e JavaScript: o futuro da web

Antes de comezar, unha breve viaxe a través da historia…

É 1999. Internet Explorer 5 é cousa quente, a burbulla de tecnoloxía está crecendo. E Mariano Rivera é o World Series MVP. E o mozo (ofegar.)

Un desenvolvedor web senta no seu computador, beber café e escribir un código. El quere facer un xogo baseado en navegador. O único xeito que pode facelo é empregar a plataforma Flash de Adobe para facer unha película interactivo e incorporar iso na súa páxina web.

El quere poñer un vídeo no seu sitio web tamén. YouTube sounds like the name of a cheesy subway line, nothing more. Our developer has to make a Flash movie for that, tamén.

Un novo ollar

Ben, the host switch went nearly seamlessly (so seamlessly, en realidade, that I have no idea if the switch actually happened.) As promised, here’s something big for you.

If you’ve ever viewed the home page, you’ll notice how horrible it looks. Or used to look.

The old circa April 2011

Not very pretty, dereito? Ben, it wasn’t supposed to be. I just threw together some code to make the site work; the look wasn’t at all important.

Well I soon realized that a) this horribly ugly look was probably hurting the site and b) I had some spare time on my hands. So I wrote some new code for the site and here’s what I got:

Switching hosts, expect some downtime

Just a quick notice. I’m in the process of switching hosts for, so starting tomorrow expect some downtime.

I have no idea how long the site will be down; some people have said only a few hours but I’ve read on some forums that it can take up to a week. Not exactly what I’d call helpful.

And after I switch hosts it’ll take me a little while to import some databases and other fun web management stuff, which might take another day.

To make it up to you there will be some goodies heading your way once the site’s back up.