Nco ntsoov tias cov awesomely kos ntxim hlub tav laus tsiaj Kuv muab lo txog ntxov? Raws li nws puv tawm, kuv tsis zoo kos nyuj twb yuav luag li nrov raws li cov ntxim hlub thiab zoo-kos cov tsiaj. Yog hais tias koj yog ib tug ntawm cov neeg uas nyiam mus rau luag kuv tsis zoo kos nyuj, koj nyob rau hauv hmoov – muaj kom txaus ntau qhov chaw uas hais tias los ntawm, thiab lawv nyob nraum tag nrho cov cai no.
Cov no ntxim hlub thiab funny tav laus tsiaj muaj feem ntau sib xws hugely kim – lawv nyob nraum muaj nqis txog li kaum ntawm xees! Tab sis hu rau tam sim no thiab koj mam li tau lawv tag nrho, tshej dawb mus download tau!
Qhia qhov tsis zoo luag tav laus Tsiaj (drumroll)
Yog koj xav tias ib tus me nyuam kos duab no, koj tuag lawm. Yog koj xav tias ib tug phem artist kos no, you’re dead right. Lawv nyob nraum phem heev-kos tab sis, by extension, heev funny! Right-click on an animal to copy it or save it. Yog hais tias koj xav kom lawv tag nrho, dhia hauv qab no.
Download dawb co phem li kos tav laus tsiaj
That’s right! You can get the set of cute but badly-drawn cartoon animals absolutely free! They’re available in .zip form (instructions on how to unzip). Just click on the button: