Kuv tsis paub txog koj, tiam sis kuv twb muaj ntau cov xib hwb tshaj kuv muaj peev xwm suav uas graded ntaub ntawv ib hom nyob zoo npaum li cas koj ua raws li kom hom ntawv thiab tsis, koj paub, on tias fluff lawv hu rau ‘cov ntsiab lus.’
Yog hais tias koj ib tug me nyuam kawm ntawv, muaj feem ntau yog cov zoo zoo nkauj koj muaj sau ntau, ntau cov ntaub ntawv – tag nrho cov nyob rau hauv MLA hom ntawv, ib tug ntau hom ntawv rau cov ntaub ntawv, tsab ntawv, thiab xws li. Lub MLA hom ntawv raug tsim, Kuv xav, tswj tus saib ntawm tag nrho cov ntaub ntawv thiab mus tsav cov menyuam kawm ntawv vwm. Muaj tons ntawm cov kev cai thiab cov txheej txheem random koj yuav tsum paub, xws li:
- Spacing (tsis muaj qhov chaw tom qab nqe lus!)
- Tsis txhob muaj xws li lub sib lawv liag nyob rau hauv rau sab saum toj txoj cai ces kaum yog tias thiab tsuas yog hais tias koj daim ntawv yog 1 sab ntev
- Siv ntev-quote formatting yog xam rau lus hais tias yog 4+ kab ntev los yog paj huam hais tias yog 3+ kab ntev (mob siab, uas los nrog no khoom?)
Thankfully, koj tsis tas yuav nco ntsoov tag nrho cov no. Koj yuav txuag tau sij hawm, cov ntsiab lus, thiab koj sanity yog tias koj muaj ib tug MLA template. Txiv neej, Kuv xav tias kuv tau ib tug qauv dag ib ncig qhov twg…
Qhia qhov Zoo heev MLA Format Template rau Lo Lus 2010
Nyob rau hauv kom nrog hathix.com 's ntsiab lus ntawm “suprisingly pab khoom“, I’ve put together a free, yooj yim-rau-siv, and instructive MLA Template for Microsoft Word 2010. All you need to do is:
- Download it
- Read the instructions in the text
- Replace the text with your own
- Replace the stuff in brackets with your own info

That’s it! Enjoy your MLA format template!
That’s right – you’re done. Just save the template to your computer and you can reuse it over and over and over again.
Also, feel free to share the template with your friends by sharing this post on Twitter or Facebook – or give them the link is.gd/mlatemplate.
Very nice Neel, and very useful.
Thank you so much for the MLA template download, it’s much appreciated. My google search brought me here to your site and I thought since I was here I would browse through your website content. I must say, I am very impressed with your knowledge, in fact, I envy your talents. Congratulations on winning first place in programming with your Cabra flash card program. You are so talented. Keep pressing forward with your talents.
Thanks again,
Diane Carey ~ Cambridge, MD
Thank you for your wishes, Ms. Carey!
Very helpful!
Thanks, super helpful!