Seperti biasa, Aku bosan jadi aku menulis permainan di JavaScript. Ini adalah permainan role-playing disebut Labyrinth (you can find it here) yang mengikuti seorang pria yang hilang di sebuah gua. Anda harus mengumpulkan tongkat untuk menghancurkan barel, papan untuk menyeberangi air, Kunci untuk pintu berwarna, dan lebih.
Inilah yang terlihat seperti Labyrinth:

I know it’s horribly drawn, but I drew everything myself. I’m such a bad artist that it’s a miracle that the key even looked like a key. And that glowing yellow/orange/red thing is a lantern.
Ada 5 tutorial levels (each one introduces something new) dan 10 main levels. In each level you can keep track of how long it takes you to get the golden key and reach the final door. (There’s also a buried treasure in each level; you’ll have to find it by going into hidden passageways.)
Here are my best (lowest) move totals so far. I stink at this game so see if you can beat them…
- Tutorial 1: 45
- Tutorial 2: 42
- Tutorial 3: 65
I haven’t even finished playing it yet.