Youâ € ™ d pikir saya mendapatkan pertanyaan yang banyak, tapi sebenarnya aku sayang € ™ t – kebanyakan orang mengucapkannya dengan cara tertentu dan benar-benar, positif, yakin theyâ € ™ re kanan. Ada begitu banyak pengucapan ita € ™ s yang luar biasa, jadi siapa aku untuk memilih “tepat” satu? Let ’em pronounce it however they like, I say.
That being said, the number of pronunciations I hear is borderline ridiculous. Here are the most common ones I’ve heard.
- HA-dix – The “sebuah” sounds like the “sebuah” in “cat”. The “d” sounds like the “d” in “edit.”
- HAY-thicks – Pronounced like the two English words.
- HAH-thicks – The “dari” sounds like the “sebuah” in “pa.”
- HA-thicks – The “sebuah” sounds like the “sebuah” in “cat”.
- Ha-TICKS – The “sebuah” sounds like the “sebuah” in “cat”. The second syllable sounds just like the word.
- Hat-TICKS – Similar to the previous one, except they’re pronounced like two different words.
- Ha-TEEKS – The “sebuah” sounds like the “sebuah” in “cat”.
- Ha-THICKS – The “sebuah” sounds like the “sebuah” in “cat”. The “th” sounds like the “th” in “they”.
- Hah-thee-EX – pronounced almost like itu “ex” is a separate word. You’ll see why some say it this way.
Why that last one, you ask? Baik, look up what “gajah” is in Hindi and you’ll find out why the site is named that way. Quite a find, yaitu.

Toh, what do Saya think the proper pronunciation is? I say it as HA-thicks, but that’s just me.
Benar-benar, pronounce it any way you want. Benar-benar.
With people from so many different backgrounds, I guess, we all have to learn accept different pronunciations of the same word – as long as it sounds even remotely like the pronunciation you have in mind. Personally, I like ‘Hathix’ a little more than ‘Jirafix’ or even ‘Hippix’ for that matter!