Birta, eins, og finna: byggja upp opinn og Sýningarstjórar vistkerfi

Flest vistkerfi svo sem verslunum app eru ýmist opin eða Sýningarstjóri. En hvers vegna getum við ekki bæði? Jæja, við getum — allt sem þú þarft er þrjár sagnir: birta, finna, og eins. Það fer fyrir tækni og allt annað.

Venjulega eru tveir möguleikar þegar þú vilt birta app: birta það til eitthvað eins og IOS App Store (þar sem fólk mun finna app, en Apple gagnrýnandi getur neitað að senda inn) eða bara setja það á vefsvæðið þitt (þar sem það er auðvelt að birta, en það er engin trygging einhver vilja sjá það.) Not the greatest set of options.

Isn’t there a way to combine the strengths of both of these to make for the best possible experience for both publishers and consumers? I think there is. It’s called an open and curated ecosystem. Let’s take a look at:

  • What open og curated ecosystems are
  • Examples of open and curated ecosystems
  • What you need to make an open and curated ecosystem
  • Examples of these ecosystems beyond just technology

and see if we can discover something about the power of crowdsourcing, innovation, and the three verbs birta, finna, og eins.

Curated vs. open ecosystems

The iOS App Store and open internet, among others, eru app ecosystemsplaces where apps can be published and found. And I think the big factors that differentiate one ecosystem from another are whether the ecosystem is open, where anyone can publish apps and whether it is curated, where the best apps rise to the top and users are assured quality apps. That’s the major difference between the iOS store and the internet at large, which I mentioned earlier.

Let’s look at examples of curated and open ecosystems and what differentiates them.

5 ómetanleg ókeypis forrit framleiðni fyrir framhaldsskóla

Fyrir nokkrum árum síðan ég skrifaði um gagnlegur apps fyrir menntaskóla — en nú er háskóli hér, og það koma a heild nýr setja af kröfum. Þar Ég kom í Harvard, Ég hef þurft að gera meira, og forrit mínir hafa þurft að gera meira of.

Þessar nýju forrit þurfa að keyra á öllum kerfum (Windows, Mac, Android, iOS), sync óaðfinnanlega á milli þeirra, og hjálpa mér að halda minn gögn skipulögð. Þeir verða að vera fjölhæfur, sterkur, og þægilegur-til-nota. Og þeir verða að vera frjáls.

With that in mind, here are the five apps that I’ve relied on most at Harvard and that I recommend to anyone in college or anywhere else in life. They’re ranked in order of usefulness.

Evernote, Wunderlist, Mailbox, Sunrise, Pocket
5 frjáls, essential apps for college: Evernote, Wunderlist, Mailbox, Sunrise, and Pocket.

Can’t get enough Angry Birds? Play it online

Playing Angry Birds 1-1
A red bird crashing into a structure, killing a pig in the process

If your phone’s battery keeps dying on you because you spend all your time playing the wildly popular mobile game Angry Birds (or if you’re too cheap to buy Angry Birds), you should be pretty excited about this latest development.

You can now play Angry Birds online here. Here’s what you need:

  1. A decent browser (more on that later)
  2. Adobe Flash (hryggur, iDevice users)

As the URL ( might hint, Angry Birds works best in Chrome. I’ve tried it on several browsers and here’s what I’ve found: