MLA template for Microsoft Word 2010

A screenshot of Word 2010 in MLA format.
Click this to download your free MLA Template for Word 2010

tl;dra free MLA format template for Word 2010A freely-downloadable "Download" button.

Aku ora ngerti bab, but I’ve had more teachers than I’d can count who graded papers solely on how well you followed the proper format and not, ngerti, ing fluff padha nelpon ‘isi.’

Yen sampeyan lagi mahasiswa, kemungkinan iku cantik apik sampeyan kudu nulis akeh, akeh makalah – kabeh ing MLA format, format sing umum kanggo makalah, karangan, lan kuwi. Format MLA iki dirancang, Ngene Aku mbayangno, kanggo aturan dipikir kabeh makalah lan kanggo drive siswa edan. Ana ton saka acak aturan lan pedoman sampeyan kudu ngerti, kayata:

  • Let (ora papan sawise paragraf!)
  • Aja kalebu header ing pojok sisih ndhuwur yen lan mung yen kertas iku 1 kaca dawa
  • Gunakake long-Kutipan format yen kasebut teks sing 4+ garis dawa utawa puisi sing 3+ garis dawa (akeh, sing isa munggah karo kuwi iki?)

Kanthi matur nuwun sanget, sampeyan ora perlu elinga kabeh iki. Sampeyan bisa nyimpen wektu, TCTerms, lan sanity yen sampeyan duwe Cithakan MLA. Wong, Aku pengin aku cithakan gemlethek nang endi wae…

Ngenalke Awesome MLA Format Cithakan kanggo Word 2010

Ing tetep karo 's Tema “suprisingly migunani kuwi“, Aku wis sijine bebarengan karo free, gampang-kanggo-nggunakake, lan instructive MLA Cithakan kanggo Microsoft Word 2010. Kabeh sing perlu do:

  • Download it
  • Read the instructions in the text
  • Replace the text with your own
  • Replace the stuff in brackets with your own info

A freely-downloadable "Download" button.

A screenshot of Word 2010 in MLA format.'s MLA Template for Word (.docx format). Click to download.

That’s it! Enjoy your MLA format template!

That’s rightyou’re done. Just save the template to your computer and you can reuse it over and over and over again.

Also, aran bebas nuduhake cithakan karo kanca kanthi nuduhake iki kirim Twitter utawa Facebook – utawa menehi wong link / mlatemplate.


Published by

Neel Mehta

Harvard College. Web developer. Sometime philosopher. Baseball junkie.

5 thoughts on “MLA template for Microsoft Word 2010”

  1. Neel,
    Matur nuwun ingkang sanget kanggo MLA Cithakan download, iku akeh ngormati. Pendhaftaran Google Search digawa kula kene kanggo Situs lan Aku panginten awit aku ana kene aku nggoleki ing sadawane isi website. Aku kudu ngomong, Aku tertarik karo kawruh Panjenengan, jebule, Aku meri Panjenengan talents. Sugeng ing menang Panggonan pisanan ing program karo program lampu kilat kertu Cabra. Sing dadi bakat. Tansah mencet maju karo talents.
    Thanks maneh,
    Diane Carey ~ Cambridge, MD

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