hathix.com’의 첫번째 생일은 내일, so to celebrate I’ve gotten it a gift – 완전히 새로운 모습! hathix 3.0, codename 케이크, 이전 버전의 색 구성표를 유지 (적절하게 명명 hathix 2.1 “이슬 방울”) but sports an airy new look that’s 깨끗하고 우아한. 봐 (또는 그것을 밖으로 시도):
Category: hathix.com 뉴스
새로운 기능 / 프로그램 / hathix.com에 물건 뉴스.
어떻게 발음 마십시오 “hathix”?

You’d think I get that question a lot, but actually I don’t – most people pronounce it a certain way and are absolutely, positively, sure they’re right. There are so many pronunciations it’s incredible, so who am I to choose the “proper” 한? Let ’em pronounce it however they like, I say.
That being said, the number of pronunciations I hear is borderline ridiculous. Here are the most common ones I’ve heard.
완전히 새로운 모습
잘, the host switch went nearly seamlessly (so seamlessly, 사실로, that I have no idea if the switch actually happened.) 약속대로, here’s something big for you.
If you’ve ever viewed the hathix.com home page, you’ll notice how horrible it looks. Or used to look.

Not very pretty, 권리? 잘, it wasn’t supposed to be. I just threw together some code to make the site work; the look wasn’t at all important.
Well I soon realized that a) this horribly ugly look was probably hurting the site and b) I had some spare time on my hands. So I wrote some new code for the site and here’s what I got:
호스트를 전환, 일부 가동 중지 시간을 기대
Just a quick notice. I’m in the process of switching hosts for hathix.com, so starting tomorrow expect some downtime.
I have no idea how long the site will be down; some people have said only a few hours but I’ve read on some forums that it can take up to a week. Not exactly what I’d call helpful.
And after I switch hosts it’ll take me a little while to import some databases and other fun web management stuff, which might take another day.
To make it up to you there will be some goodies heading your way once the site’s back up.
트위터에 hathix.com에 따라
좋은 소식, 뉴스 사냥개, 기술 마약 중독자, 그리고 코끼리의 연인: 지금 트위터에 hathix.com 수 – @ hathix. 아니면 그냥 포스트 위의 버튼을 클릭.
저는 여기에 트위터를 할 수 있습니다 무엇:
- 새로운 블로그 게시물
- hathix.com 뉴스
- 블로그 게시물에 포함되지 않는 작은 기술 뉴스
- 블로그 게시물에 포함되지 않는 경미한 리뷰
- 소프트웨어 개발에 대한 임의 담고
재미있는 소리? 당신은 모든 업데이트를 얻기 위하여 저를 볼 수 있습니다, 당신이 트위터 계정이없는 경우에 당신은 내 페이지를 즐겨 찾기에 추가하고 거기에서 내 트윗을 볼 수 있습니다.
hathix.com 셔츠 구매, 머그컵, 및 기타 물건
Foreword: I’m allowed a shameless plug every so often, aren’t I?
좋은 소식: I’ve created an official hathix.com store on CafePress where you can buy

official hathix.com gear:
- T-shirts for men, women, and kids
- Hoodies for men, women, and kids
- Caps
- Tote bags
- Mugs
- Clocks
- Water bottles
So far I only have 6 designs, but more are coming soon. A design works on any item in the store.
Love the elephant? Grab yourself something from the store today (it’s at hathix.com/store).
괜찮은 홈 페이지에 대한 탐구
I’m not sure why home pages were even invented in the first place. 내 말은, sure, you need a page to open when you boot up your browser, but they just make things, 잘, awkward. Plus they’re not very useful: most of them just serve as a landing page; you don’t really use them except to read news about how kids can’t bring bagged lunch to school (*cough* Yahoo *cough*.) And when you do that kind of stuff, you just get distracted from what you were originally meaning to do all along.
I want to know why that is and how I can help fix it.