TL;dr – download the set of terribly drawn cute cartoon animals
Remember those awesomely drawn bellus viverra animalium I posted about earlier? As it turns out, my poorly drawn cow was almost as popular as those cute and well-drawn animals. Te meam ex his qui male trahitur libenter vacca rideat, es fortuna, – ubi plus ex copia, et omnes in praesens.
Hæc sunt animalia plerumque ingens cute quod mauris viverra sit amet – verum valet, usque ad myriades cents! Sed et tu nunc omnium appellant, omnino liberum ad download!
Introductis in penuriosus stricta Cartoon animalium (drumroll)
Si eos putas, puer, hos eduxit, tu mortuus iniuriam. Si tibi videtur quod, magna metus traxit ista, you’re dead right. Sunt autem et male tracta-, per tractus, mauris! Right-click on an animal to copy it or save it. Si omnes, bus infra.
Download the free set of terribly drawn cartoon animals
Audivi sonos verborum,! You can get the set of cute but badly-drawn cartoon animals liberrimae! Maecenas in elit. Zip formam (instructions in quam ut unzip). Iustus click in puga pyga,: