कदाचित आपण आपल्या आवडत्या बेसबॉल संघ सांगण्यासाठी बरेच एक जहाल क्रीडा चाहता आहोत. कदाचित आपण देश प्रवास आणि आपल्या प्रवास बद्दल जर्नल ठेवू इच्छिता आहात. किंवा कदाचित आपण तंत्रज्ञान बद्दल ranting आवडी कोण फक्त काही पोकळ शब्दावडंबर माजवणारा वक्ता आहोत.
तुमची जशी छंद किंवा आवड, starting a blog is a fun and rewarding experience. And don’t worry – you don’t have to be a tech guru either. As long as you can browse the internet, use a word processor, and think of interesting things to say (harder than it sounds), you can blog.
Finding a blogging service
Before you start blogging, you’ll have to find a good blogging service. Here are a couple good ones:
Most people (including myself) will tell you that वर्डप्रेस is the best. This blog is actually run on WordPress, and I give WordPress very high marks. का?
- It’s developed by a huge community, making it very safe आणि functional.
- It’s got thousands of great themes, which help you customize your blog’s appearance.
- It’s really very easy.
Signing up for WordPress
As you can probably tell, in this tutorial I’ll be showing you how to start a blog using WordPress.
To get started, you’ll have to साइन अप for a WordPress account. I’m going to follow along this tutorial by making a sample blog of my own – it’ll be about some cool new inventions that I’ve dreamed up (ओके, I stole the pictures off the internet, but it’s just a sample.)

The great thing about WordPress is that WordPress will give you your own website name. You can get a domain name ending in wordpress.com (उदा.. something.wordpress.com) for free. If you like, you can get a domain name ending in .सह (उदा.. something.com) for $17 per year.
Go ahead and enter your data into the form; your username doesn’t really matter (you’ll be changing your display name later.)
Once you’ve signed up, you can set your profile information – your name and a description of yourself. Then check your email for the verification link from WordPress, and follow the instructions. You’ll soon reach your new blog’s dashboard.
Check out भाग 2 for stuff on your dashboard and making your first post.