Ibu bapa saya hanya turun fail zip dari internet (tidak pasti apa yang ia adalah, Saya berfikir pemasang atau sesuatu.) Tetapi itulah pokoknya, perkara yang penting ialah bahawa mereka diperlukan untuk unzip ia supaya mereka boleh mengakses fail di dalam. Mereka turun WinZip, yang membolehkan anda unzip fail.
Semua adalah baik, betul? Satunya masalah adalah bahawa ia kos banyak. $30, sebenarnya. Itu tidak kelihatan seperti banyak, tetapi peraturan umum ibu jari dengan perisian adalah:
If you pulled out your credit card to download something, you probably did pay too much.
And that’s true, since more or less any piece of software that you’d have to buy has a completely free alternative. And that’s true for WinZip, terlalu: it’s got a free competitor named 7-Zip.
What it is
7-Zip is a free file archiver/compresser/unzipper (it can unzip .zip files and then make .zip files too, making it fully compatible with WinZip.) So why use WinZip when you can use this free alternative?
Download it at 7-Zip.org
You can download the 7-Zip installer from 7-zip.org. After it’s installed, you can unzip a zipped file by right-clicking on it, scrolling to “7-Zip”, and choosing “Extract Here.” That’ll put the contents of the zipped file in the folder the zip file is in.

You should consider downloading it if you ever think you’ll need to unzip files (you’d be surprised how much you need to.)
Well, that’s all for now.