I do not know dwarek, but I’ve had more teachers than I’d can count who graded papers solely on how well you followed the proper format and not, inti taf, fuq dak tentix huma jitolbu ‘kontenut.’
Jekk int student, ċansijiet huma pjuttost tajba li inti għandek tikteb ħafna, ħafna dokumenti – kollha Format MLA, format komuni għall-karti, esejs, u dik il-. Il-format MLA kien imfassal, I d jimmaġina, biex jirregolaw l-ħarsa ta 'karti kollha u biex issuq istudenti crazy. Hemm tunnellata ta ' regoli każwali u linji gwida inti għandek tkun taf, bħal:
- Spazjar (ebda spazju wara paragrafi!)
- Ma jinkludux l-header fil-rokna dritt jekk u biss jekk karta tiegħek huwa 1 paġna twil
- Użu fit-kwotazzjoni ifformattjar jekk jiċċita test li huwa 4+ konzijiet jew poeżija li 3+ Konzijiet (serjament, li jitla 'ma' dan il-għalf?)
Thankfully, inti m'għandekx bżonn li tiftakar dan kollu. Tista 'tiffranka l-ħin, punti, u sanità tiegħek jekk għandek template MLA. Man, Nixtieq I kellhom template tinsab madwar x'imkien…
Tintroduċi l-biża MLA Template Format għall Word 2010
B'konformità mal hathix.com 's tema “Jittieħed sorprendentement utli“, Stajt jitqiegħdu flimkien ħielsa, faċli għall-użu, u istruttivi MLA Template għall Microsoft Word 2010. Kull ma trid tagħmel hu li:
- Niżżlu
- Aqra l- istruzzjonijiet fit-test
- Replace the text with your own
- Replace the stuff in brackets with your own info

That’s it! Enjoy your MLA format template!
Dak id-dritt – you’re done. Just save the template to your computer and you can reuse it over and over and over again.
Also, feel free to share the template with your friends by sharing this post on Twitter or Facebook – or give them the link is.gd/mlatemplate.
Very nice Neel, and very useful.
Thank you so much for the MLA template download, it’s much appreciated. My google search brought me here to your site and I thought since I was here I would browse through your website content. I must say, I am very impressed with your knowledge, fil-fatt, I envy your talents. Congratulations on winning first place in programming with your Cabra flash card program. You are so talented. Keep pressing forward with your talents.
Thanks again,
Diane Carey ~ Cambridge, MD
Thank you for your wishes, Ms. Carey!
Very helpful!
Grazzi, super helpful!