' Tis lub caij… yuav tsis mus saib cov websites

Here’s an interesting tidbit from the life of a web developer.

You’d think that people would go on the internet with that shiny new phone/tablet/toaster they got for the holiday season.

Apparently, no one does that. Here’s a look at my latest hits (not the band type, I mean the number of visitors to hathix.com):

hathix visitors graph
As the festive spirit goes up, visits to websites go down.

From what I’ve seen, this seems to be the case with pretty much every website and app: visits or downloads sharply decrease during holiday season. For what it’s worth, things return right back to normal once the new year begins.

Saib yeeb yaj duab thiab ua si ua suab paj nruag nrog VLC

This is a review of VLC, a free multimedia player for movies and music. Download it here.

Happy holidays! To go along with that DVD of your favorite movie, that CD of your favorite band, and that ugly sweater from your favorite aunt, here’s a present of a program: VLC!

VLC is a Dawb, open-source multimedia program for any operating system (Qhov rai, Mac, Linux, even Android) uas can play movies, music, the whole nine yards. Did I mention it’s free?

Lub neej yav tom ntej ntawm smartphones

Google Android and Apple iOS fighting
Tsiv, Android thiab iOS no. Koj muaj lub.

tam sim no, Yog koj xav yuav ib tug smartphone uas koj tau xaiv ob lub ntsiab: iPhone thiab Android. Yog tias koj hnov brave, yog qhov rais xov tooj. Tsis ntau ntau.

Txhua yam uas yog li yuav hloov.

Xyoo tom ntej no mus saib qhov uas qhia tawm ntawm tshiab, Cov systems operating smartphone dawb uas zoo li yuav hloov lub ntiaj teb no muaj smartphones poised – rau nws yuav zoo dua. Cia wb mus saib.


Ubuntu, lub wildly-nrov qhib-qhov system operating xyuas hauv computer muaj tau kis tus kab mob uas lawv yuav tso ib tug version ntawm lub kaw lus operating smartphones xaiv. Cov tes tsis tawm tsis tau tab sis folks thaj tsam hauv internet say tsuav yog twv yuav raug hu ua tej hauj lwm.

Kawm Computer Science uas Khan Academy

Tus hluas nraug muaj meej nws lub sij hawm kawm arduous kaum xyoo. Cov grizzled yawg ntawm nws, nws pab qhia, tau devoted nws tus kheej mus qhia nws lub ntsiab muag rau daim duab arcane, ib daim duab uas tau paub tias tsuas muaj xaiv few. Kaum xyoo hauv lub cev ua zog khaus, tob tsis pub dhau lub mysterious dungeons thiab atop nyiaj roob siab, muaj thaum kawg npaj tua scarred hluas nraug. Nws yog npaj los unleash nws paub yus Art few txawm paub existed.

Lub computer science.

Twitter nyeem rau beginners: Ib feem 1

Twitter's new Logo, the Blue Bird
Twitter is an extremely powerful social & news networkyou just have to learn how to use it.

Twitter is a great social network for catching up on the latest — oh hey, I got a new Tweet! Be back in a second.

Whoops, thov txim. As I was saying, Twitter, tus “lwm yam” social network, is an incredibly quick and easy way to catch up on all the news that’s fit to type in one convenient place. Tab sis npog, in order to fully make use of the #awesomeness that is Twitter, you’ve got to learn a bit. Luckily for you, @I have made one that @you are reading right now. #whatluck

Why it’s awesome being a developer

Studiofibonacci free icon set of ninjas with weapons
Apparently, these are a bunch of computer programmers.


That’s what computer programmers are calling themselves nowadays. The profession (if you can even call it that) goes by a litany of none-too-glamorous names, such as developer, programmer, engineer, technician, and more stuff that doesn’t quite make you the most popular guy in the room. Hence, a lot of, er, programmers (for lack of a better word) go by ninja or such. Which I find slightly annoyingyou’re writing code, not killing enemies of the emperor. But I digress.

Thov txim rau downtime – kuj, khoom mus WebHostingHub

A closed box package cartoon clip art
Yuam kev 404, elephant not found

tl;Drhathix.com had some downtime but my super-helpful host WebHostingHub cleared it up immediately. Also, I apologize for the fanboyishnessit’s just that WHH is that awesome.

I was recently working with some so-called cutting-edge web programming techniques (parsing JSON using PHP from client requests using JavaScript and jQuerytold you it was gory) and realized I needed a new version of some software rau the server that hathix lives on.