hathix.com tus muaj ob xyoos & xyoo hauv kev ntsuam xyuas

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Tus ntawd yog ib tug muaj hmoo ntxhw.

hathix.com yog finishing pem lub xyoo thib hav zoov. Raws li ua tau kev lig kev cai, Kuv tabtom ua ib blog tswg highlighting txhua yam kuv tau ua nyob rau hauv xyoo tas los no thiab soj ntsuam saib yog dab tsi hauv khw rau xyoo tom ntej.

xyuas npe tawm dhau xyoo recap – thawj puas – thiab ua raws li kuv mus rau hauv ib co stats thiab xov xwm ntawm tus hathix.com los sis qib xyoo.

Cov txheej xwm loj

Tsaib no yog kuv lub xyoo creation, qhov twg kuv tsim hathix.com thiab cov kab software (apps thiab ua si.) Xyoo no kuv roj kuv tsom xam thiab ua haujlwm rau ib tug handful ntawm tej yaam num loj uas sawv cev rau lossis loj kawm ntawv kom mus hathix.com:

  • Mobile Cabra, ultimate cov kawm app coj los rau tes, ntsiav tshuaj, thiab lub Web site
  • Neeg ua mov ci 's teb, ib cov kev ua si taug txuj kev nyuaj web thiab sequel los nphoo Safari

Ib co me tej yaam num uas tseem tsim nyog txog mention:

  • Lub hub rau hauv internet cov kev pab cuam graphing tshuab xam zauv (TI graphing lub laij lej.)
  • Ib yooj yooj yim thiab haib qhov home page.
  • Ntxiv qhov tshiab rau cov duab version ntawm Cabra.
  • Ntau cov chaw ua hauj lwm rau lub hathix Blog.

Cia wb mus saib cov no – tiam sis thawj, Qee tus yummy lub website stats.

Qab lub website stats

A small cake slice2012-2013 tau ib xyoo ntau hathix.com. Nws kiag li obliterated lub xeem xyoo tag nrho – nws tau txais 11 lub sij hawm kom ntau qhua li tsaib no! Nov yog ib co kev stats ntxiv – tseem ceeb, interesting, los yog meaningless xwb – koj yuav zom.

Txij li thaum Lub ob hlis ntuj 13, 2012:

hathix visitor stats by country
Cov teb chaws sab saum toj qhua: PEB, UK, Thaib teb, Canada, Lub teb chaws Yelemees.
  • 60,738 mus ntsib (11x txij tsaib no)
  • 133,670 pageviews (9.94x txij tsaib no)
  • Qhua tuaj ntawm 168 lub teb chaws (81 ntau tshaj tsaib no)
  • 19,203 outlinks
  • 89,284 feeb – los sis 62 hnub – siv rau cov chaw uas qhua (8.49x xyoo tag npaum li no)

hathix.com tus zoo hnub ntawd lub Xya hli ntuj 30, 2012, Thauj tw 634 neeg xyuas.

hathix.com muaj tiag zus lawg hlob hlob txij thaum lub ob hlis ntuj rau lub xeem – ces rov qab, Nws yog ib tug rarity tuaj saum toj 50 hits ib hnub. Tam sim no nws yuav tsis tshua muaj rau hathix.com mus dua 300.

hathix.com visits over the last 2 years. The last point is low since it's halfway through the month.
hathix.com tas lawm lub xeem 2 xyoo. Nag kis yog tsawg kawg vim nws yog tog hauv lub hli dhau los ntawm lub ob hlis ntuj.

Ib co kev breakdowns dua:

  • 91% muaj qhua tuaj hauv desktop, 9% txhob txawb
  • Sab saum toj browsers: Chrome (46%), Internet Explorer (25%), Firefox (16%), Safari (12%), Opera (1%)
  • Sab saum toj operating systems: Qhov rai (80%), Mac (10%), Android (5%), Linux (2%)
  • Cov teb chaws sab saum toj: TEB CHAWS USA (56%), UK (5%), Thaib teb (5%), Canada (3%), Lub teb chaws Yelemees (2%)
  • Sab saum toj nrhiav xyaw: Google (43%), Google dluab (45%), Bing (8%), Yahoo (1%)
  • Tshaj nrhiav cav keywords: mla hom, mla hom template, tus tsiaj acute tas luav, kem, mla template
  • Referring biggest chaw: giveawayoftheday.com, google.com, Facebook.com, google.co.th, google.com.vn
  • Tshaj zos zaug mus ntsib: lub caij tav su thiab yav tsaus ntuj: 4-5PM, 8-9PM, 3-4PM, 5-6PM, 2-3PM
  • Tsawg tshaj qho zaug zos tuaj xyuas: thaum sawv ntxov ntxov: 4-5AM, 5-6AM, 3-4AM, 6-7AM, 2-3AM

Mobile Cabra – kawm txog qhov mus

A screenshot of Cabra mobile. It's designed to look and work great on phones, tablets, and computers.
Lub screenshot ntawm mobile Cabra. Nws yog tsim los kom zoo thiab ua hauj lwm zoo rau tes, ntsiav tshuaj, thiab xyuas hauv computer.

Kuv qhov project biggest xyoo no yog tsim ib version ntawm Cabra, studying kuv app dawb, rau tes thiab ntsiav tshuaj (iOS no, Android, Qhov rai xov tooj, thiab lwm yam.)

Kuv pib tsim nws nyob hauv lub caij ntuj sov 2012 thiab txiav txim rau lub yim hli ntuj. Kuv yuav ua kom muaj tseeb tshaj blog rooj vag rau Cabra mobile tom qab, tab sis qhov suffice hais tias ib tus menyuam lossis loj. Nws yog dabtsi 22,051 siv Internet.

Nws tseem muaj nyob ntawm Android, iOS no, Chrome, Firefox, thiab xav txog tej zoo nkauj npaum twg lwm platform koj tau yam. No yeej tseem zoo lub Web site app ces koj siv tau rau hauv tej dais uas muaj internet kev twb kev txuas.

Neeg ua mov ci 's teb – ib tug sequel los nphoo Safari

Koj mam li nco qab tias kuv siv sij hawm tsaib no tsim muaj kev ua si taug txuj kev nyuaj web ntau, Nphoo Safari. Qhov tshij, thaum kuv tau meej tias kuv yeej muaj li nyiab loj rov los rau hauv ntiaj teb no muaj cov donuts uas ploj lawm, tas luav tsiaj, bumbling phem hais mav, thiab cheesy dialogues, ces kuv pib ua haujlwm rau ib tug sequel los nphoo Safari, uas kuv twb dubbed Neeg ua mov ci 's teb.

The world's donuts have been stolen again in Baker's Dozen, and it's up to you to save them.
Neeg ntiaj teb donuts muaj tau nyiag dua rau cov neeg ua mov ci 's teb, thiab nws tseem kom koj txuag lawv.

Kuv twb siv ib tuj lub sij hawm uas ua haujlwm rau nws – Kuv twb tau ntawm nws txij ntuj – thiab tsis tau nws kom deb deb txij tiav. Uas yuav tsum tau qhia koj npaj siab kuj nce mentsis txog sib sib zog nqus li cas kuv yuav kom nws. Tamsim no, koj ua tau ua si ib co qauv qib ntawv tau ib tug xav rau cov kev ua si thaum kawg yuav raug li cas zoo li.

Kuv mam ua lwm blog loj rooj vag thaum qhov kev ua si ntawv tas. Nyob tuned.

lub hathix blog

Kuv yeej tseem ua hauj lwm rau lub hathix blog thiab ua heev li ob peb posts uas. Lub blog tus tau zoo heev thiab pom ib tuj qhua.

  • 12 Posts xyoo no
  • 56,873 qhua (tsis tag nrho cov no yog suav hauv lub hathix.com stats)

Lub blog lub hli zoo yog hlis ntuj nqeg 2012, thaum nws txais 11,238 views. Cov hnub uas koj zoo tshaj plaws yog hlis ntuj nqeg 10, 2012, thaum nws txais 1,090 views!

A screenshot of Word 2010 in MLA format.
hathix.com tus MLA template, uas yog nrov heev nrad ntxhais xyoo no.

Lub sab saum toj posts:

Ib txhia lwm txug tej yaam

Muaj ntau tas tej yaam ob peb sab num kuv tau hais tias kuv yeej tsis publicize. Ntawm no yog ob peb tug kuv twb tau ua hauj lwm rau:

  • Ib lub hub rau cov kev pab cuam rau TI graphing cov cav laij leb. No koj mus muab tau cov kev pab cuam kom pab tau koj txog kev ua lej los kev kawm hoob los sis cov tswvyim ua si rau tho txawv hnub nyob rau hauv cov hoob kawm kev ua lej.
  • Ib lub tsev txawm zoo sab. Cov caij ntuj no kuv muab hathix.com nws yooj yim qhov home page lub revamp loj kom zoo thiab ua hauj lwm zoo tshaj. Xyuas – koj kuj yuav nyiam nws.
  • Dua tshiab rau lub duab version of Cabra. Qhov tseeb version (0.7.0) cia koj txhiv tau cov ntsiab lus uas koj khwv tau los ntawm kev kawm rau virtual prizes – tus poj motivator. Kuv tabtom npaj ntau loj vim yav tom ntej uas integrate dua nrog mobile Cabra.
  • Ib qhov project zais cia uas muaj kiag li yog tsis muaj dab tsi xyuas hauv computer lossis siv tshuab ua. Saib qhov chaw no.

Thiaj ua conclusion…

2012-2013, hathix.com tus thib ob xyoos, tau ib xyoo lossis loj hlob (11-hlws!) thiab cov loj tshiab tej yaam num. Kuv xav tias kuv puas tau ib txoj hauj lwm zoo tsev off of kuv cov loj hlob software los lub website yav dhau los thiab kis rau tej kev txawj ntse tshiab nyob rau hauv tus txheej txheem.

2013-2014, xyoo #3, yog yuav tau ib tug rau kuv tawv ntaub ntawv raws li kuv tag li kuv tshaj xyoo ntawm tsev kawm ntawv, sau 1-800-510-2020 xyoo, ua daim ntaub ntawv kev kawm ntawv qib siab, thiab npaj kev kawm ntawv qib siab. Txawm tias, Kuv tseem yuav siv rau tej lub sij hawm rau kuv tus nyiam hobby, hathix.com. Xyoo #3 yuav tsom rua refining tej yaam num rau qhov hathix.com uas twb muaj lawm thiab cov xov muaj tej yaam num. Kuv tsis txhob cia siab tias yuav pab txhua yam tshiab loj uas. Lwm hom phiaj:

  • Ntau cov kev loj hlob – tsawg ob zaug ua ntau hits yog xyoo no
  • Dua li – tau txais lo lus txog cov hathix thiab ua nws cov blog/software/si.
  • Posting blog ntau zoo ib yam – tsawg 2 posts uas ib hlis twg.
  • Xav paub ntxiv diversification – kab tias tsim tej ntsiab lus uas muaj ib yam dabtsi uas siv tshuab ua.

Xyoo #2 twb yeej muab hathix.com los ntawm ib tug me nyuam mus rau ib lub website tseeb. Kuv tab tom nrhiav rau pem hauv ntej rau xyoo tom ntej no, promises txawm zoo yam uas.

Luam tawm los

Neel Mehta

Harvard College. Web tsim tawm. Sometime philosopher. Baseball junkie.

3 Xav txog tej uas koj xavhathix.com tus muaj ob xyoos & xyoo hauv kev ntsuam xyuas”

  1. Yawm suab!! Tab sis yog kuv tsis to taub txog qhov koj tau hais ntau ntau, Kuv paub hais tias koj ho muaj ntau lub sij hawm no after muaj tswv yim. Tag nrho qhov zoo tshaj plaws rau koj.

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