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A cute pig that is poorly drawn and drawn by a child.
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cute cartoon cow - hathix cute animal set
Tus adorable nyuj ntawm tus hathix tas luav tsiaj teev…
A child's drawing of a cow.
…kuv nyuj.

Cia kuv coj ncaj rau koj: Kuv tsis tau kos. Uas yog kuv drawing rau sab xis (Muaj, Kuv nyob ntawm no txhua lub limtiam.) Muaj, Nws yog zoo nkauj txaus…

HOLY COW saib tias ib sab laug. Tus nyuj adorable yog los ntawm cov hathix tas luav tsiaj teev, txheej txheem 43 ntxim hlub tas luav tsiaj uas yog dawb rau luam tau.