Если вы купили электронное устройство в прошлом году, Вы заметите, что Microsoft будет вразнос своей поисковой системы Bing больше, чем я ястреб свою продукцию. (На совершенно не связанные ноты, скачать Коза, Моей свободной и открытым исходным кодом флэш.)
Это все хорошо,, так как вы разрешается рекламировать, но Microsoft действительно идет в крайности:
- Microsoft подписала соглашение с Blackberry, так что Bing будет только поисковая система доступна на Blackberrys.
- Моя сестра купила новый компьютер и предложили скачать бесплатно песню, если она искала с Bing.
- Microsoft started a $100 million ad campaign to get people to say “Just Bing it.”)
- Microsoft actually paid Bing users (Хорошо, maybe I’m exaggerating. They gave you a rebate if you bought something from a Bing search.)
- Bing advertises on Google.
Sounds pretty desperate, if you know what I mean.
But the big question is: did it work? Microsoft says yes (but keep in mind that these are the same guys who said Vista was gonna be great.) I’ve read that Bing’s drawing more advertisers, but as far as market share goes it’s not doing very well.

Here are the exact numbers from April ’10 to April ’11:
Google – 90.39% к 90.29% (-0.10%)
Yahoo – 4.29% к 3.81% (-0.48%)
Ссылок – 3.57% к 3.99% (+0.42%)
Bing’s made progress, but not very much (at the rate it’s going, it would take Bing 166 years to match Google.) I’d expect more from Bing when Microsoft goes to such desperate ends to advertise it.
So should we mark off Bing as a complete failure? It does have a good amount of market share, but it’s far from being the Google killer that Microsoft anticipated.
You might want to combine the market share of Yahoo and Bing. For over a year now, Bing has powered Yahoo. (Disappointing really, because Yahoo was the first search engine and I really applaud them for that).
Still not a Google killer but 7.8% is much bigger than 3.99%.
Good point. Еще, despite Microsoft’s constant advertising of Bing, Bing’s market share hasn’t increased, although it has started powering more searches.