MLA šablóny pre Microsoft Word 2010

A screenshot of Word 2010 in MLA format.
Click this to download your free MLA Template for Word 2010

tl;dra free MLA format template for Word 2010A freely-downloadable "Download" button.

Neviem o vás, but I’ve had more teachers than I’d can count who graded papers solely on how well you followed the proper format and not, Viete,, on that fluff they callcontent.’

If you’re a student, chances are pretty good you have to write many, many papersall in MLA format, a common format for papers, eseje, and such. The MLA format was designed, Ja by som si predstaviť,, regulovať vzhľad všetkých dokladov a ku riadiť študentmi blázon. Existujú tony náhodné pravidlá a pokyny musíte vedieť,, ako je napríklad:

Sada strašne čerpaných roztomilých kreslených zvierat

A cute pig that is poorly drawn and drawn by a child.
That's a Neel original. It's valued in the range of tens of cents.

tl;drdownload the set of terribly drawn cute cartoon animals
A freely-downloadable download button.

Remember those awesomely drawn roztomilé kreslené zvieratá I posted about earlier? As it turns out, my poorly drawn cow was almost as popular as those cute and well-drawn animals. Ak ste jedným z tých ľudí, ktorí sa radi smejú v mojom zle vypracované kravy, máte šťastie – existuje veľa ďalších, kde to prišlo z, a všetci sú tu.