Jedná sa o prehľad VLC, bezplatný multimediálny prehrávač pre filmy a hudbu. Stiahnite si ju tu.
Šťastné sviatky! Ísť spolu s týmto DVD vášho obľúbeného filmu, že CD svojej obľúbenej kapely, a to škaredý sveter z vášho obľúbeného tety, tu je prítomný programu: VLC!
VLC is a voľný, open-source multimedia program for any operating system (Windows, Gumák, Linux, even Android) that can play movies, hudba, the whole nine yards. Did I mention it’s free?

There are hundreds of free music/video players out there, and there are plenty that come bundled with your computer, but VLC really is the best. Some of its strengths:

- Plays almost any music/video file type (mp3, ogg, mkv, atď) I’ve been using VLC for a while and haven’t found a single file type it won’t play.
- Even plays CDs/DVDs when you insert them into your computer.
- Very clean, easy-to-use interface that gets the job done.
- Full screen mode that gets rid of any distractions.
- Plays subtitles dobre.
- Lets you crop/zoom/process a video as much as you want so it’ll fit your screen.
- Supports music playlists.
- Can capture video and audio (so you can record your screen or music, for example.)
- Has tons of plugins and extensions.
Suffice to say, VLC is a great program; there’s a reason it’s one of the most popular open-source projects (4 million downloads per week!) Nehanbite sa a download VLC, install it, and start playing that music and video you’ve always wanted to. Just ditch the sweater.