Microsoft helps kill spammers

Добре, not really kill, just bring down. But it makes the title sound nice.

In other news, Microsoft has finally done something right by bringing down Rustock, a botnet that infected millions of computers and caused them to send massive amounts of spam. Rustock was one of the (if not the) biggest spam networks in the world.

Microsoft (and some feds) raided some hosting facilities in the US and took down the servers that instructed infected computers to send spam.

You can read more at cnet.


Як і раніше, I got bored so I wrote a game in JavaScript. It’s a role-playing game called Labyrinth (you can find it here) which follows a guy who gets lost in a cave. You have to collect sticks to destroy barrels, planks to cross water, keys for colored doors, and more.

Here’s what Labyrinth looks like:

Playing Level 10 of Labyrinth
Playing Level 10 of Labyrinth

I know it’s horribly drawn, but I drew everything myself. I’m such a bad artist that it’s a miracle that the key even looked like a key. And that glowing yellow/orange/red thing is a lantern.

Інтернет експлорер 9 поза

Well done, Bill, you’ve finally done something right. Інтернет експлорер 9 is now out and can be downloaded from Here’s the catch: it only works on Windows Vista and 7.

Let me repeat that:

It only works in Vista and 7. It doesn’t work in XP.

Thoughts on the new browser

For one thing, it’s a lot better than Internet Explorer 8, although that isn’t saying much. To be honest, it’s actually decent; Internet Explorer can now compete with the other popular browsers like Firefox and Chrome.

Here’s what really matters:

JavaScript харчуванням калькулятор

Мені було нудно (і мій калькулятор був з батарей), тому я вирішив, я б узяв тріщини на розробці веб-калькулятор. (Ви можете знайти його на / і т.д. / калькулятор. В основному, Ви можете ввести деякі команди (оголошення змінних або виклики функцій) і калькулятор буде використовувати владу JavaScript, щоб знайти відповідь.

Охайних річ про калькулятора є те, що він має деякі вбудовані функції (що завгодно, від знаходження квадратного кореня ряд, щоб знайти НСК двох чисел до знаходження рішення квадратного рівняння.)

Ось деякі з них можна ввести в калькулятор і що вони роблять:

7-Поштовий: вільний шлях для розпакування файлів

My parents just downloaded a zipped file from the Інтернет (not sure what it was, I think an installer or something.) But that’s beside the point, the important thing is that they needed to unzip it so that they could access the files inside. They downloaded WinZip, which lets you unzip files.

All’s добре, право? Only problem is that it costs a lot. $30, насправді. That doesn’t seem like much, but the general rule of thumb with software is:

If you pulled out your credit card to download something, you probably did pay too much.

Добре, це до

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Until I think of some news/rants/raves/ramblings/stuff, see ya.