秋季大扫除, 部分 1

Some beautiful fall leaves
Feel the fresh air and cleaner computer.

The leaves are changing color, the weather is becoming cooler, and the World Series is on. 是啊, it’s fall.

It’s become sort of a tradition with me to clean up my computer every fall, since just Spring Cleaning is rarely enough.

I’m here to share with you my secrets and guidelines to fall cleaning, and since most people are on Windows I’ll be showing you how to do Fall Cleaning on a 视窗 7 machine.

我的 (免费) Kindle的阅读清单

原来,有没有这样的东西免费的午餐, 但有这样的事,作为一个免费书籍.

The cover of the Odyssey
可用于低价格 $0.00

我最近买了一个 点燃 (旧样, 不带触摸屏或3G或彩色屏幕或任何) 对于实习我的工作. 我想我会得到一些书看,而我是在它 (还不如用在Kindle什么它的目的), 所以我打开了Kindle商店在我的Kindle和准备买几本书.

第一本有关我的名单是荷马的 奥德赛, 而我目前在读英语课. 我虽然滚动一些结果寻找最便宜的副本. $12.50, $2.50, $0.00, $1.00, $2.00… HM, 貌似我去拿 $1 一… 等待, 什么?!?

你怎么发音 “hathix”?

His name's hathix.
An elephant in a box.

You’d think I get that question a lot, but actually I don’t – most people pronounce it a certain way and are absolutely, positively, sure they’re right. There are so many pronunciations it’s incredible, so who am I to choose the “proper” 一? Let ’em pronounce it however they like, I say.

That being said, the number of pronunciations I hear is borderline ridiculous. Here are the most common ones I’ve heard.

QR码: 像条形码, 只有更好

Quick Response Code

QR码, 或 快速响应码, 时下风靡一时. 你知道吗, 那些黑色和白色的条形码的前瞻性一样的东西,显示杂志, 海报, 甚至有些T恤.

QR码其实是相当类似条形码: 它是一种形象, 编码数据 喜欢 网址, 电话号码, 话, 多. 您甚至可以拍摄照片和排序,把它变成一个QR码 (图片上传到互联网和QR码的编码图片的URL。) 当然,你失去了一些审美价值, 但是,嘿.

教程: 开始与WordPress博客, 部分 2

等待! Before you read this, read 部分 1.

Now that you’ve gotten your blog all set up, we can start getting familiar with it.

If you’ve forgotten, I’m writing a sample blog as we go along so you can follow along with this guide.

Your Dashboard

Your Dashboard is where you can administrate your blog by writing new posts, moderating comments, 多. This is where it all goes down, and obviously no visitors are allowed in. To visit your dashboard, go to <your blog url.wordpress.com>/wp-admin and sign in using the password and username you signed up with.


一个友好的指南如何获取Java开发工具包, a good IDE, and a great book.

Java is a powerful but easy to use programming language (not to mention that it’s the language used in most computer programming courses.) Java is a great language and fairly easy once you get everything set up – 但 getting everything set up is difficult. That’s what this guide is for.

教程: 开始与WordPress博客, 部分 1

Maybe you’re a rabid sports fan with lots to say about your favorite baseball team. Maybe you’re traveling the country and want to keep a journal about your travels. Or maybe you’re just some windbag who likes ranting about technology.

Whatever your hobby or interest, starting a 博客 is a fun and rewarding experience. And don’t worryyou don’t have to be a tech guru either. As long as you can browse the internet, use a word processor, and think of interesting things to say (harder than it sounds), you can blog.