How to get a tech internship

Field-tested job-hunting tips for computer science students.

Also check out my post on getting started with computer science for college students.

Google headquarters

I probably don’t need to convince you that working at tech companies is really attractive. You can work with startups on meteoric rises and world-famous tech giants, all while surrounded by ping-pong tables and unlimited snacks. You can build apps that your friends use and products that make the world a better place.

There’s just one problem: how do you get a tech internship in the first place?

My Khan Academy Internskap, Somer '15

Hierdie somer, Ek het die vriendelike grense van Cambridge en weggetrek uit Wes na dit stryk ryk intern as 'n sagteware ingenieur by Khan Akademie. En dit is nie dit baie doen geregtigheid: dit was 'n totaal van transformerende ervaring.

Salman Khan of Khan Academy
Met die ongelooflike Sal Khan, die stigter van Khan Academy

Awesome projekte

Ek het 'n ton as 'n sagteware-ingenieur deur te werk met my mentor op sodanige koel projekte:
– Skep SEO'd bestemming bladsye vir ons videos
– Bou van 'n funksie aan gebruikers kennisgewing e-pos te stuur wanneer hulle vrae op ons videos kry beantwoord, werk nou saam met 'n ontwerper
– Dop af en die vasstelling van foute in ons nuwe video-speler