Sæt af frygtelig trukket søde tegneserie dyr

A cute pig that is poorly drawn and drawn by a child.
That's a Neel original. It's valued in the range of tens of cents.

tl;drdownload the set of terribly drawn cute cartoon animals
A freely-downloadable download button.

Remember those awesomely drawn sød tegnefilm dyr I posted about earlier? As it turns out, my poorly drawn cow was almost as popular as those cute and well-drawn animals. If you’re one of those people who liked to laugh at my poorly drawn cow, you’re in luck – Der er mange flere hvor de kom fra, og de er alle lige her.

Disse søde og sjove tegneserie dyr er normalt enormt dyrt – de er værd op til et tocifret antal cents! Men call now og du får dem alle, helt gratis at downloade!

Introduktion til Dårligt Drawn Cartoon Dyr (drumroll)

Hvis du tror, ​​et barn trak disse, du er død forkert. Hvis du tror en forfærdelig kunstner trak disse, you’re dead right. De er dårligt tegnet, men, ved udvidelse, meget sjovt! Right-click on an animal to copy it or save it. Hvis du vil have dem alle, hoppe nedenfor.

An elephant drawn by a childA child's drawing of a cute cow

A cute pig that is poorly drawn and drawn by a child.





A penguin that was drawn with Paint by a bad drawer.A child's drawing of a goat (una cabra).

Funny and badly-drawn turkey




Download the free set of terribly drawn cartoon animals

Det er rigtigt! You can get the set of cute but badly-drawn cartoon animals helt gratis! De er tilgængelige i. Zip formular (instructions on how to unzip). Just click on the button:

A freely-downloadable "Download" button.


Udgivet af

Neel Mehta

Harvard College. Webudvikler. Engang filosof. Baseball junkie.

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