Twitter hastapenak tutorial A: Taldea 1

Twitter's new Logo, the Blue Bird
Twitter gizarte oso indartsua da & Albiste sarea – aski izango duzu, nola erabiltzen den ikasi.

Twitter sare sozial handi bat sortu harrapatzeko azken - oh hey, Tweet berri bat lortu dut! Itzuliko bigarren batean.

Whoops, barkatu. Zen dut esaten, Twitter, , “beste” sare soziala, oso modu azkar eta erraz bat sortu harrapatzeko berri guztiak sasoian idatzi leku eroso batean. Baina, # bikaintasunez erabili ahal izateko, guztiz egin da Twitter, duzun got pixka bat ikasi. Luckily for you, @I have made one that @you are reading right now. #whatluck

Microsoft helps kill spammers

Beno, not really kill, just bring down. But it makes the title sound nice.

In other news, Microsoft has finally done something right by bringing down Rustock, a botnet that infected millions of computers and caused them to send massive amounts of spam. Rustock was one of the (if not the) biggest spam networks in the world.

Microsoft (and some feds) raided some hosting facilities in the US and took down the servers that instructed infected computers to send spam.

You can read more at cnet.