5 college produktibitatea free eskerga aplikazioak

Duela urte batzuk idatzi nuen batxilergoko apps erabilgarria — baina orain unibertsitateko hemen dago, eta a eskakizun multzo berri osoa ekartzen du. Geroztik Iritsi Harvard at I, Gehiago egin behar izan dut, eta nire aplikazio gehiago ere egin behar izan dute.

Apps berri horiek behar plataforma guztietan exekutatzen (Windows, Mac, Android, iOS), sinkronizatu baitituzte haien arteko, eta lagundu me gorde nire Datu antolatu. Izan dute polifazetikoa, sendoa, eta erraz-erabilera. Eta izango dute ikusi free.

With that in mind, here are the five apps that I’ve relied on most at Harvard and that I recommend to anyone in college or anywhere else in life. They’re ranked in order of usefulness.

Evernote, Wunderlist, Mailbox, Sunrise, Pocket
5 free, essential apps for college: Evernote, Wunderlist, Mailbox, Sunrise, and Pocket.

Erori Garbiketa, zatia 1

Some beautiful fall leaves
Sentitzen, aire freskoa eta ordenagailu garbiagoa.

Hostoen kolorea aldatzen ari dira, tenperatura freskoagoa bihurtuz, eta World Series da on. Yup, jaitsiera da.

Honez tradizio moduko bihurtu ekin garbitu zidan nire ordenagailuan jaitsiera behin, besterik Udaberriko garbiketa oso gutxitan nahikoa geroztik.

I’m here to share with you my secrets and guidelines to fall cleaning, and since most people are on Windows I’ll be showing you how to do Fall Cleaning on a Windows 7 machine.

Internet Explorer 9 is out

Well done, Bill, you’ve finally done something right. Internet Explorer 9 is now out and can be downloaded from microsoft.com. Here’s the catch: it only works on Windows Vista and 7.

Let me repeat that:

It only works in Vista and 7. It doesn’t work in XP.

Thoughts on the new browser

For one thing, it’s a lot better than Internet Explorer 8, although that isn’t saying much. To be honest, it’s actually decent; Internet Explorer can now compete with the other popular browsers like Firefox and Chrome.

Here’s what really matters: