Vadovėlis: pradedant dienoraštį WordPress, dalis 2

Wait! Before you read this, read dalis 1.

Now that you’ve gotten your blog all set up, we can start getting familiar with it.

If you’ve forgotten, I’m writing a sample blog as we go along so you can follow along with this guide.

Your Dashboard

Your Dashboard is where you can administrate your blog by writing new posts, moderating comments, ir dar daugiau. This is where it all goes down, and obviously no visitors are allowed in. To visit your dashboard, go to <your blog>/wp-admin and sign in using the password and username you signed up with.

Vadovėlis: pradedant dienoraštį WordPress, dalis 1

Gal esate pasiutęs sporto gerbėjas su daug pasakyti apie jūsų mėgstamą beisbolo komandos. Gal jūs keliaujate į šalį ir norite žurnalą apie savo keliones. O gal jūs tiesiog kai Mesa, kurie mėgsta Taisyti apie technologijų.

Koks jūsų hobis ar palūkanų, starting a dienoraštis is a fun and rewarding experience. And don’t worryyou don’t have to be a tech guru either. As long as you can browse the internet, use a word processor, and think of interesting things to say (harder than it sounds), you can blog.