Nedaudz radikāls priekšlikums skolām

Es esmu bieži lūdza jautājumu “Ja jūs varētu būt karalis pasaulē uz vienu dienu, ko jūs darītu?” Pirmkārt, Es gribētu darīt pats karalis pastāvīgi, bet tas nav punkts. Lūk, mans nedaudz radikāls priekšlikums, ka varētu būt otrā lieta, ko es gribētu darīt, ja es būtu karalis dienā.

Es esmu daļa no kluba, kas ņem ārā pārstrādi mūsu skolā no rīta. Ļaujiet man pateikt jums, mēs iegūstam daudz papīra: ja es savākt papīru varbūt 15 numuri, kas nav bijusi viņu papīra savākti pēc dažām dienām, Es varu aizpildīt veselu miskasti var. Ne mazie trash kannas jums ir jūsu mājā, Es domāju tiem tik liels, kā sētnieki izmantot. Tas ir daudz.

So where was I? Ak, tiesības, my proposal. Before I get to that, imagine life in 1911 (read about it.) It took weeks to get anywhere, telephones were bleeding edge, people wore corsets and silk hats, and kids used textbooks, paper, and pencils in school. Tas ir 2011 now. You can go from New York to Beijing and back in two or three days, phones that can’t browse the internet are considered bad, people wear t-shirts and jeans, un… kids use textbooks paper, and pencils in school. Everything’s changed completely… pagaidiet. Except one thing. Schools.

Schools are stuck in the 1960’s. They need to catch up to the times, and the way to do that is to go paperless. Here’s some easy ways they can, in order from easiest to implement to hardest to implement.

  1. Instead of having students print out assignments and hand them in, just have them e-mail the assignment to the teacher. Really easy.
  2. Have homework available online (as a PDF or text document, maybe.) Students can complete it on their computers and e-mail it to the teacher (see point 1.)
  3. Instead of having students take notes in class, have the notes be available online. Not only does this save loads of paper, it frees up class time for discussion/reviewing homework/whatever teachers want to do.
  4. Have students take tests on the computer (maybe through an online survey tool, or preferably through a dedicated test app.)
  5. Put textbooks online for students to use at home and have cheap netbooks/tablets/laptops for students to access them at school. Could be expensive, but it saves a ton of paper.

The benefits of doing that? Many:

  1. No paper used (environmental benefit.)
  2. Students don’t have to carry as much around.
  3. Huge savings on textbooks/ink/paper.

Disclaimer: eI have no teaching experience whatsoever so I don’t know if any of this would be practical. So that’s why my proposal should be called radical, even though it seems pretty sensible to me.

So there’s my $0.02. What do you think?



Neel Mehta

Harvard College. Web izstrādātājs. Dažkārt filozofs. Beisbols junkie.

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