Can’t get enough Angry Birds? Play it online

Playing Angry Birds 1-1
A red bird crashing into a structure, killing a pig in the process

If your phone’s battery keeps dying on you because you spend all your time playing the wildly popular mobile game Angry Birds (or if you’re too cheap to buy Angry Birds), you should be pretty excited about this latest development.

You can now play Angry Birds online here. Here’s what you need:

  1. A decent browser (more on that later)
  2. Adobe Flash (Atvainojiet, iDevice users)

As the URL ( might hint, Angry Birds works best in Chrome. I’ve tried it on several browsers and here’s what I’ve found:

Microsoft buys Skype

Skype logoMicrosoft has bought the popular IM/voice chat application Skype (labi, not just the product, the whole company) for $8.5 billion, making it Microsoft’s largest purchase ever. I find that a little funny since Skype actually made a loss of $7 million last year.

Bet, when you think about it, it makes some sense. Skype has 663 million user accounts (protams, not all of them are active) and about 8 million paying usersobviously not very many, but it’s still some.

Bing: maz dzinējs, kas… nevarēja?

If you’ve bought an electronic device in the last year, you’ll notice that Microsoft is hawking its search engine Bing more than I hawk my products. (On a totally unrelated note, lejuplādēt Kaza, my free and open-source flashcard program.)

That’s all well and good, since you’re allowed to advertise, but Microsoft really goes to the extreme:

  1. Microsoft signed a deal with Blackberry so that Bing would be the only search engine available on Blackberrys.
  2. My sister bought a new computer and was offered a free song download if she searched with Bing.

Aizmirstiet flash diskus ar Dropbox

Es esmu pārliecināts, ka tas notiek ar daudziem cilvēkiem: Jums svarīgu failu uz jūsu flash disku un jums ir nepieciešams nodot to, izdrukājiet to, vai ņemt to kaut kur citur. Vienīgā problēma? Jūs zaudējat savu flash drive. Tas ir noticis ar mani pārāk daudz reižu.

Tātad, tāpēc es nolēmu izvairīties flash diskus un pasta vēstuļu sūtīšanas stuff sevi un izmantot varu internetā.

Es atklāju Dropbox, kas ļauj man piekļūt saviem failiem no jebkuras vietas tik ilgi, kamēr man ir interneta pieslēgums. Man pat nav nepieciešams flash drive vairāk; Es varu tikai saglabāt visu, kas man ir nepieciešams manu Dropbox kontu.

Nedaudz radikāls priekšlikums skolām

Es esmu bieži lūdza jautājumu “Ja jūs varētu būt karalis pasaulē uz vienu dienu, ko jūs darītu?” Pirmkārt, Es gribētu darīt pats karalis pastāvīgi, bet tas nav punkts. Lūk, mans nedaudz radikāls priekšlikums, ka varētu būt otrā lieta, ko es gribētu darīt, ja es būtu karalis dienā.

Es esmu daļa no kluba, kas ņem ārā pārstrādi mūsu skolā no rīta. Ļaujiet man pateikt jums, mēs iegūstam daudz papīra: ja es savākt papīru varbūt 15 numuri, kas nav bijusi viņu papīra savākti pēc dažām dienām, Es varu aizpildīt veselu miskasti var. Ne mazie trash kannas jums ir jūsu mājā, Es domāju tiem tik liels, kā sētnieki izmantot. Tas ir daudz.

Trouble at the PlayStation Network

If you’ve been watching the news lately, you’ll have noticed that the PlayStation Network, which provides online gameplay and digital game shopping for owners of PlayStation 3 and PSP devices, has been down since last Wednesday. Their on-demand streaming service, Qriocity, is also down. There’s been a huge buzz about it for the last week, but it’s hard to cut through the buzz to get the actual information. I’ve done a little digging, so here are some of the basics.

SeeingFridayin a different light

If you want a break from the tech talk

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last month, you’ve probably heard of (and had the misfortune of listening to) Rebecca Black’s Friday. Jūs zināt, that song with the 13-year-olds driving cars and the nasally teenager wondering where to sit? That one.

After a shocking experience (more about that later), I’ve had to start questioning why I (and pretty much everyone I know) hate the song. Breaking it down:

  • The lyrics are junk, but most pop songs have meaningless lyrics anyway.
  • The tune’s pretty catchy, no faults there.