Set of terribly drawn cute cartoon animals

A cute pig that is poorly drawn and drawn by a child.
That's a Neel original. It's valued in the range of tens of cents.

tl;drdownload the set of terribly drawn cute cartoon animals
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Remember those awesomely drawn annimali cartoons ħelu I posted about earlier? As it turns out, baqra ħażin mfassla tiegħi kien kważi popolari kif dawk l-annimali ħelu u sew mfassla. Jekk int wieħed minn dawk in-nies li xtaqu li tidħaq baqra ħażin mfassla tiegħi, int fil xortih – hemm ħafna aktar li ġew minn fejn, u dawn qed kollha hawn.

Dawn l-annimali cartoons ħelu u umoristiċi huma normalment għali wisq – dawn qed jiswew sa għexieren ta 'ċenteżmi! Imma sejħa issa u int ser tikseb minnhom kollha, assolutament liberu li tniżżel!

Tintroduċi l-Annimali Cartoons Ħażin Drawn (drumroll)

Jekk taħseb tifel ġibdet dawn, int mejta wrong. Jekk taħseb artist terribbli ġibdet dawn, you’re dead right. Huma qed ħażin miġbuda iżda, permezz ta 'estensjoni, ħafna umoristiċi! Right-click on an animal to copy it or save it. Jekk inti tixtieq lilhom kollha, jaqbżu l isfel.

An elephant drawn by a childA child's drawing of a cute cow

A cute pig that is poorly drawn and drawn by a child.





A penguin that was drawn with Paint by a bad drawer.A child's drawing of a goat (una cabra).

Funny and badly-drawn turkey




Download the free set of terribly drawn cartoon animals

Dak id-dritt! You can get the set of cute but badly-drawn cartoon animals assolutament liberu! Huma qed disponibbli. Forma zip (istruzzjonijiet dwar kif unzip). Just click on the button:

A freely-downloadable "Download" button.


Published by

Neel Mehta

Harvard College. Web developer. Sometime philosopher. Baseball junkie.

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