5 apps imprezzabbli produttività b'xejn għall-kulleġġ

Ftit snin ilu I kiteb dwar apps utli għall-iskola għolja — iżda issa kulleġġ huwa hawnhekk, u dan iġib sett ġdid sħiħ ta 'talbiet. Peress I waslu fil-Harvard, I kellna biex jagħmlu aktar, u apps tiegħi kellhom jagħmlu aktar wisq.

Dawn apps ġodda jeħtieġu li jimxu fuq il-pjattaformi kollha (Windows, Mac, Android, IOS), sync ħarir bejniethom, u għinni iżommu tiegħi data organizzata. Huma għandhom ikunu versatili, robusta, u faċli għall-użu. U dawn għandhom ikunu ħielsa.

With that in mind, here are the five apps that I’ve relied on most at Harvard and that I recommend to anyone in college or anywhere else in life. They’re ranked in order of usefulness.

Evernote, Wunderlist, Mailbox, Sunrise, Pocket
5 ħielsa, essential apps for college: Evernote, Wunderlist, Mailbox, Sunrise, and Pocket.

5 apps Android biża li inti tibgħat lura l-iskola

Ma jkun SpongeBob. Użu tat-teknoloġija biex jagħmlu sena skolastika tiegħek tal-biża '.

Sena oħra iskola, serje oħra ta ' 180 (jagħtu jew jieħu) ftit irqad mċaħħda, jiem żżejjed stressjati. Hija tista 'tagħmel inti tfittex ftit bħal dik Guy sponża isfar hemmhekk.

Żomm fuq! Ninsab hawn biex jgħinu.

Kulma għandek bżonn huwa dan doohickey newfangled tissejjaħ smartphone. Speċifikament, ta Smartphone Android (pilloli naħdmu wkoll, jekk int fis li).

Watch videos u play mużika ma VLC

Din hija reviżjoni ta 'VLC, multimedia player b'xejn għall-mużika u films. Niżżlu hawn.

Vaganzi kuntenti! Li jmorru flimkien ma 'dik ta' DVD movie favoriti tiegħek, li CD ta 'medda favoriti tiegħek, u li sweater ikrah mill zija favoriti tiegħek, Heres preżenti ta 'programm: VLC!

VLC huwa ħielsa, open-source programm multimedjali għal kwalunkwe sistema operattiva (Windows, Mac, Linux, anki Android) li tista 'tilgħab movies, mużika, l-sħiħ disa tarzni. Did I isemmi huwa b'xejn?

Tgħallem Computer Science mal Khan Akkademja

Iż-żagħżugħ kien lest perjodu tat-taħriġ iebes ta 'għaxar snin. Il-bniedem qodma grizzled jmiss lilu, tutur tiegħu, kien iddedikat lilu nnifsu għat-tagħlim studenti tiegħu l-art arcane, arti magħrufa biss għal ftit tagħżel. Għaxar snin ta 'xogħol fiżiku intensa, fond fi ħdan il-dungeons misterjuża u għolja atop-Muntanji fidda, kellu finalment ppreparati l-żagħżugħ battalja imġarrfa. Hu kien lest biex jinħeles ħakma tiegħu ta 'l-arti perikolużi ftit kienu jafu anki eżista.

Computer xjenza.

Sorry for downtimealso, props to WebHostingHub

A closed box package cartoon clip art
Error 404, elephant not found

tl;drhathix.com had some downtime but my super-helpful host WebHostingHub cleared it up immediately. Also, I apologize for the fanboyishnessit’s just that WHH is that awesome.

I was recently working with some so-called cutting-edge web programming techniques (parsing JSON using PHP from client requests using JavaScript and jQuerytold you it was gory) and realized I needed a new version of some software on the server that hathix lives on.

Chrome OS: all web, all the time

As you might have noticed, the guys at Google have released (ukoll, not released, they’ve just publicly shown it for the first time; Chromebooks are coming out on June 15) Chromebooks, which are netbooks that run the Chrome OS.

Chrome OS (official site)

More about the actual computers later; the interesting part about the computer is its operating system. Chrome OS is a completely web-based operating system; it’s nothing but Chrome, Google’s web browser. Dak id-dritt, the only application on the computer is Chrome.

Tinsa flash drives ma Dropbox

I’m sure this happens to a lot of people: you have an important file on your flash drive and you need to hand it in, print it out, or take it somewhere else. Only problem? You lose your flash drive. It’s happened to me far too many times.

So that’s why I decided to eschew flash drives and emailing stuff to myself and use the power of the internet.

I found Dropbox, which lets me access my files from anywhere as long as I have an internet connection. I don’t even need a flash drive any more; I can just store everything I need on my Dropbox account.