Kif tagħmel website, parti 1

I do not know jekk inti stajt semgħu biha, iżda hemm dan ħaġa imsejħa l-internet li n-nies f'dawn il-jiem għandhom tendenza li jużaw ħafna. Kif stajt intqal qabel, huwa estremament importanti llum li issa kif jiżviluppaw għall-web.

Mod Allura dak aħjar biex jitgħallmu u ħiliet web iżvilupp prattika, kollha filwaqt li tagħmel isem għalik innifsek fuq ikbar pjattaforma tad-dinja, milli toħloq websajt?

Dan huwa l-ewwel minn sensiela ta 'tutorials fejn I ser nuruk, pass-pass, kif tibni website tal-biża 'mill-bidu.

Ejja ħa mmorru, I.

Mejju, il-sors tkun miegħek: intro li tiftaħ source software

Funny open-source cartoon with Tux
Softwer open source: kulħadd jista tbiddilha u jagħmilha saħansitra aktar tal-biża '. Hawnhekk hawn telqa ta 'għaliex.

Softwer open source. Ħsejjes bħal buzzword ieħor tech simili iżvilupp b'aġilità, Oqfsa MVC, mudelli kaskata, u l-bqija.

Imma verament, huwa ħafna aktar jibred minn dawk kollha.

Sempliċiment imqiegħdin, software b'sors miftuħ huwa software li kulħadd jista jeditjaw. U minħabba li, huwa tal-biża '. Aqra dwar biex tara kif tiegħek software open source favoriti (Firefox u Android, per eżempju) xogħlijiet.

Kif taħdem

Naħseb li huwa eħfef biex jispjegaw software open-source bi ftit storja. Get xi popcorn – dan għandu azzjoni, drama, u ksur ta 'copyright.

A tutorja Twitter għall jibdew: parti 2

Żomm up! Qabel ma inti taqra dan tutorja Twitter avvanzat, jiċċekkjaw il- Tutorja Twitter għall jibdew. Inkella int mhux se jifhmu dawn @ "iu #" i.

Allura fil- aħħar tutorja you learned about tweets, tweeps, @ 'S, u # "i. Heady Jittieħed. Iżda aħna qed madwar biex teħodha pass wieħed farther. Hawn kif jagħmlu Twitter – in-netwerk ultra-popolari soċjali tal-ġejjieni – jaħdmu għalik.

Kitba Tweet tiegħek

OK, hekk int wara kull website fuq il-fil u inti stajt tidher kull meme maħluq fl-aħħar għaxar snin. Issa dak? Well, huwa ħin tiegħek biex shine! Ippubblika xi tweets!

A tutorja Twitter għall jibdew: Parti 1

Twitter's new Logo, the Blue Bird
Twitter is an extremely powerful social & news networkyou just have to learn how to use it.

Twitter is a great social network for catching up on the latest — oh hey, I got a new Tweet! Be back in a second.

Whoops, sorry. As I was saying, Twitter, l- “othersocial network, is an incredibly quick and easy way to catch up on all the news that’s fit to type in one convenient place. Iżda, in order to fully make use of the #awesomeness that is Twitter, you’ve got to learn a bit. Luckily for you, @I have made one that @you are reading right now. #whatluck

Get Jittieħed jsir bil-teknika Pomodoro

Dan se jkun l-aqwa ħabib tiegħek wara li inti taqra dan l-artikolu.

Naf ħafna nies ma partikolarment igawdu dan ħaġa tissejjaħ xogħol. U ta 'dawk, ħafna minnhom għandhom tendenza li tinkiseb distracted meta jkunu qed suppost li tkun qiegħda tagħmel din, liema do you sejħa hija, xogħol.

Fortunatament, nies mhux produttivi bħal għamilt xi ħaġa sorprendentement produttiva: huma jkunu għamlu teknika ftit li jgħinek tkun aktar produttivi.

Fall Cleaning, parti 1

Some beautiful fall leaves
Feel the fresh air and cleaner computer.

The leaves are changing color, the weather is becoming cooler, and the World Series is on. Yup, it’s fall.

It’s become sort of a tradition with me to clean up my computer every fall, since just Spring Cleaning is rarely enough.

I’m here to share with you my secrets and guidelines to fall cleaning, and since most people are on Windows I’ll be showing you how to do Fall Cleaning on a Windows 7 machine.

QR Codes: like barcodes, just better

Quick Response Code
A Quick Response Code

QR Codes, jew Quick Response Codes, are all the rage nowadays. You know, those black-and-white barcode-looking thingies that show up on magazines, posters, and even some t-shirts.

A QR Code is actually fairly similar to a barcode: it’s an image that encodes data bħal URLs, phone numbers, words, and more. You can even take a picture and sort of turn it into a QR code (the picture is uploaded to the internet and the QR code encodes the URL of the picture.) Sure you lose some aesthetic value, but hey.