Introduzzjoni għal web iżvilupp

HTML 5 logo on an iPhone smartphone with app icons around it in a cloud
Merħba għall-web.

Lura fil-jum tiegħi (OK, qabel jum tiegħi), il-professjoni ta 'web iżviluppatur kienet waħda baxxa. Hija kklassifikati taħt hater puppy iżda fuq Yankees fan fuq l-iskala ta 'unur professjonali. Minħabba l-tags u stampi spacer trasparenza we użati, aħna kienu meqjusa bħala hackers mhux raffinat bl-ebda sens ta 'estetika.

Well, aħna xorta jistgħu jkunu nieqsa sens estetiku, iżda bħala l-Web żviluppat hekk għandu l-professjoni ta 'web iżviluppatur. Dawn il-ġranet hemm għodda għadd nistgħu nużaw biex jagħmlu sew bil-miktub, standards konformi, u sbieħ (OK, forsi mhux li l-aħħar wieħed) paġni tal-web. Ħafna mill-websajts kbira li tuża llum (plug shameless: inkluża din) huma mibnija bl-użu dawn l-għodod.

HTML5, CSS3, u JavaScript: il-futur tal-web

Before I start, a brief trip through history

It’s 1999. Internet Explorer 5 is hot stuff, the tech bubble is growing. And Mariano Rivera is World Series MVP. And young (gasp.)

A web developer sits at his computer, drinking coffee and writing some code. He wants to make a browser-based game. The only way he can do this is to use Adobe’s Flash platform to make an interactive movie and embed that in his website.

He wants to put a video on his site too. YouTube sounds like the name of a cheesy subway line, nothing more. Our developer has to make a Flash movie for that, wisq.