CS50: Dab tsi ntxiv mus?

Note: this post is aimed mostly at Harvard students.

CS50 logo

So you took Harvard’s introductory computer science class, CS50. (Maybe you were a regular at my section or met me at office hours.) You learned a lot, you enjoyed it, and you want to continue exploring computer science. Maybe you want to concentrate in CS, get a minor, get an internship at a tech company, or better understand how computers are going to take over the world.

But CS is a huge field, and with just one course under your belt, it’s difficult to really break into it.

So what next?

Kawm Computer Science uas Khan Academy

Tus hluas nraug muaj meej nws lub sij hawm kawm arduous kaum xyoo. Cov grizzled yawg ntawm nws, nws pab qhia, tau devoted nws tus kheej mus qhia nws lub ntsiab muag rau daim duab arcane, ib daim duab uas tau paub tias tsuas muaj xaiv few. Kaum xyoo hauv lub cev ua zog khaus, tob tsis pub dhau lub mysterious dungeons thiab atop nyiaj roob siab, muaj thaum kawg npaj tua scarred hluas nraug. Nws yog npaj los unleash nws paub yus Art few txawm paub existed.

Lub computer science.