5 kjempeflott Android apps å sende deg tilbake til skolen

Ikke vær Spongebob. Bruk teknologi for å gjøre skoleåret kjempebra.

Et skoleår, en annen serie 180 (gi eller ta) litt søvnmangel, altfor stresset dager. Det kan gjøre at du ser litt sånn gul svamp fyren der borte.

Hold på! Jeg er her for å hjelpe.

Alt du trenger er denne nymotens doohickey kalles en smarttelefon. Spesielt, en Android smarttelefon (tabletter fungere også, hvis du er i.).

A slightly radical proposal for schools

I’ve often been asked the questionIf you could be king of the world for a day, what would you do?” First of all, I’d make myself king permanently, but that’s not the point. Here’s my slightly radical proposal that would be the second thing I’d do if I were king for a day.

I’m part of a club that takes out the recycling in our school in the morning. Let me tell you, we collect a lot of paper: if I collect the paper of maybe 15 rooms that haven’t had their paper collected in a few days, I can fill up a whole trash can. Not the small trash cans you have in your house, I mean ones as big as janitors use. That’s a lot.