5 高校寶貴的免費生產力應用程序

幾年前,我寫了一篇關於 高中有用的應用程序 — 但現在的大學是在這裡, 它帶來了一整套新需求. 因為 我到哈佛, 我不得不做更多, 和我的應用程序不得不做更多的太.

這些新的應用程序需要 運行在所有平台 (視窗, 蘋果, Android的, 的iOS), 無縫同步 它們之間, 並幫助我保持 數據組織. 他們必須是 多才多藝, 健壯, 和 易於使用. 他們必須要 免費.

考慮到這一點, 這裡是我在哈佛和依靠五大部分應用程序 我建議任何人在大學 或其他任何地方生活. 他們為了有用的排名.

Evernote, Wunderlist, Mailbox, Sunrise, Pocket
5 免費, 上大學必備的應用程序: Evernote的, Wunderlist, 郵箱, 日出, 和Pocket.

5 真棒的Andr​​oid應用程序,送你回學校

不要海綿. 使用技術,使您的學年真棒.

另一個學年, 另一系列的 180 (給予或採取) 稍微睡眠剝奪, 過於強調天. 它可能會讓你看起來有點像那邊的傢伙,黃色海綿.

別跑! 我在這裡幫助.

所有你需要的是稱為“智能手機”這個新奇的竅門. 特別是, 一個 Android智能手機 (片工作太, 如果你進入的是).


這是VLC的審查, 一個免費的多媒體播​​放電影和音樂. 在這裡下載.

節日快樂! 一起去你最喜歡的電影的DVD, 你最喜歡的樂隊的CD, 醜陋的毛衣你最喜歡的阿姨, 這裡有一個程序的: VLC!

VLC是一個 免費, 開源的多媒體程序的任何操作系統 (視窗, 蘋果, Linux的, 甚至 Android的) 該 可以播放電影, 音樂, 整個九碼. 我說過它是免費的?


The young man had finished his arduous training period of ten years. The grizzled old man next to him, his tutor, had devoted himself to teaching his pupil the arcane art, an art known only to a select few. Ten years of intense physical labor, deep within the mysterious dungeons and high atop the silver mountains, had finally prepared the battle-scarred young man. He was prepared to unleash his mastery of the dangerous art few knew even existed.

Computer science.

對不起,停機時間 – 還, 道具WebHostingHub

A closed box package cartoon clip art
Error 404, elephant not found

TL;博士hathix.com had some downtime but my super-helpful host WebHostingHub cleared it up immediately. Also, I apologize for the fanboyishnessit’s just that WHH is that awesome.

I was recently working with some so-called cutting-edge web programming techniques (parsing JSON using PHP from client requests using JavaScript and jQuerytold you it was gory) and realized I needed a new version of some software服務器 這hathix住在.

Chrome OS: all web, all the time

As you might have noticed, the guys at Google have released (良好, not released, they’ve just publicly shown it for the first time; Chromebooks are coming out on June 15) Chromebooks, which are netbooks that run the Chrome OS.

Chrome OS (official site)

More about the actual computers later; the interesting part about the computer is its operating system. Chrome OS is a completely web-based operating system; it’s nothing but Chrome, Google’s web browser. 這是正確的, the only application on the computer is Chrome.

Forget flash drives with Dropbox

I’m sure this happens to a lot of people: you have an important file on your flash drive and you need to hand it in, print it out, or take it somewhere else. Only problem? You lose your flash drive. It’s happened to me far too many times.

So that’s why I decided to eschew flash drives and emailing stuff to myself and use the power of the internet.

I found Dropbox的, which lets me access my files from anywhere as long as I have an internet connection. I don’t even need a flash drive any more; I can just store everything I need on my Dropbox account.