Twitter的教程,適合初學者: 部分 1

Twitter's new Logo, the Blue Bird
Twitter是一個非常強大的社會 & 新聞聯播 – 你只需要學習如何使用它.

Twitter是一個巨大的社會網絡為追趕的最新 - 哦嘿, 我有一個新的鳴叫! 是在第二.

哎呦, 遺憾. 正如我說的, 嘰嘰喳喳, 的 “其他” 社交網絡, 是一個令人難以置信的快速和容易的方式去追趕上所有的新聞 這是適合輸入 在一個方便的地方. 但, 為了充分利用#迷死是Twitter, 你必須學習一些. 幸運的是, @我做了一個@你正在閱讀. #whatluck

Microsoft helps kill spammers

良好, not really kill, just bring down. But it makes the title sound nice.

In other news, Microsoft has finally done something right by bringing down Rustock, a botnet that infected millions of computers and caused them to send massive amounts of spam. Rustock was one of the (if not the) biggest spam networks in the world.

微軟 (and some feds) raided some hosting facilities in the US and took down the servers that instructed infected computers to send spam.

You can read more at cnet.