可能源與你同在: 一個介紹開源軟件

Funny open-source cartoon with Tux
開源軟件: 任何人都可以編輯它,使它更真棒. 下面是為什麼一個破敗.

開源軟件. 聽起來像另一個高科技流行語 敏捷開發, MVC框架, 瀑布模型, 等.

不過說真的, 它的 比所有這些更清涼.

簡單的說, 開源軟件是一種軟件,任何人都可以編輯. 正因為如此, 它的真棒. 請仔細閱讀,看看你最喜歡的開源軟件 (火狐和Android, 例如) 作品.


我認為這是最簡單的解釋開源軟件與一個小故事. 得到一些爆米花 – 這個動作有, 戲劇, 和侵權.


Google Android and Apple iOS fighting
移動過, Android和iOS. 你有公司.

現在, 如果你想要買一個智能手機,您有兩個主要選項: iPhone和Android. 如果你感覺勇敢, 的Windows Phone. 品種不多.


來年要釋放 新, 免費智能手機操作系統 似乎將改變世界的智能手機 – 為更有效地. 讓我們來看看.


Ubuntu的, 廣流行 開放原始碼作業系統的計算機 has been spreading rumors that they’re going to release a version of the operating system for smartphones. The phones aren’t out yet but folks around the internet say they’re definitely in the works.


Back in the day (and by that I mean a week ago), new versions of Firefox were releasedwhen they were ready” – 亦即, when all the features they wanted to put in were in it. That’s called feature-based releases, and most developers use that strategy.

But there’s another release strategy that focuses on releasing new versions every so often. Some features might not make a version, but that’s OK; a new version is coming in x weeks so it’ll be included then. This is called fixed releases.

火狐 4 是出

It’s been about a year in coming (it was in beta for a full year), but Firefox 4 is finally out and can be downloaded at firefox.com. The open-source web browser’s latest version is a gigantic step forward from the 3.6 version (the old stable version from a year ago, which is pitifully outdated by now.)

What’s changed

  • 火狐 4 is about 3 times faster in page loading and JavaScript performance than 3.6. This means your favorite web apps and websites areget ready for this – 3 times faster than before.